Rosemary oleoresin extract, vitamin e, vitamin C and anything else ?.... things to keep bars from going rancid.

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Another factor to be aware of, which no one has mentioned is how the oils were treated before they came to you. As I live in New Zealand, we have few oils processed within the country. Has the oil I’m buying flown over on a plane or his it been in the sitting in a shipping container on a ship exposed to high temperatures. How long ago was the oil processed before you received it.

Do the suppliers you buy from know the date of when oil was extracted, do you guys ask that info? I’d be interested to
know 🙂
Another person from New Zealand,nice to know i am not alone. Pure Nature i have had no problems with but prior to knowing that we had soap suppliers in New Zealand i brought all my fragrances and Esential Oils from some amazing sellers at Etsy,and that was coming up 2 years now,i still have most of them as i use them very sparingly but i do keep them all in the fridge,a tip i got from some where,went to get my cucumber oil the other night and it was slightly hard so left it out for a couple of hours and it was perfect. While i do like Pure Nature i cant often get what i want although they are getting better.Are you going to enter the soap challenge? second attempt and it's in the oven. All the best Andrea
Here's a link to learn more about the shelf life of various oils:

You'll find good info on chelators, as well as many other topics here:

I use both ROE and vitamin E (antioxidants), added to oils, in soap and other B&B products. I buy my ROE from Lotion Crafter. It is highly viscuous. For ease of use, I make up the following :
1 oz. ROE
2 oz. Jojoba Oil (long shelf life)
Use 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon PPO (Per Pound Oils)

I've been soaping since 2004 and have never experienced DOS (Dreaded Orange Spots) in my soaps. (Not braggin', just sayin' ;)) For more info, see ROE SwiftCrafty.PDF attached.

ROE (Rosemary Oleoresin Extract) USE RATE
Yup - I think I “over-used”. Argh!! Well, this is how we learn. thank you.
Yup - I think I “over-used”. Argh!! Well, this is how we learn. thank you.
As you may have found, overusing ROE, can actually promote oxidation of oils. This is a paradoxical effect called pro-oxidation. As in anything, it’s the dose that’s important. The usage rate is .05 grams per 1000 grams of oils.
As you may have found, overusing ROE, can actually promote oxidation of oils. This is a paradoxical effect called pro-oxidation. As in anything, it’s the dose that’s important. The usage rate is .05 grams per 1000 grams of oils.

So that appears to be a .005%, is that right? If I'm going to be calculating by percentages rather than grams?
Just because a chemical is an antioxidant for the body or skin doesn't mean it's a good antioxidant for other purposes.

Vitamin E is not a good choice for lengthening the shelf life of fats. Vit E is a mixture of various tocopherols -- speaking from memory, I believe there are 6 or 8 chemicals that make up the tocopherol family. Only certain ones can help lengthen shelf life, and they only work as antioxidants if present in appropriate amounts.

If you add Vit E to a fat already high in tocopherols, you can actually reduce the shelf life, not lengthen it. Search for prooxidation if you want more background.

Vitamin C is a water soluble chemical. Why would you add it to fats?

My advice? Stick to ROE. And add it to the fat at the time of purchase, not later on when you're making soap.

Also keep short shelf life fats refrigerated even with added ROE. ROE will help, but it's not a miracle product. The nature of fatty acids is to break down over time especially with exposure to light, water, microorganisms, heat, metals, etc. ROE only slows the process, so add it early and do what you can to protect the fat by keeping it cool and in the dark.

If you're determined to make soap high in delicate fats such as hemp, you should also be looking into using a chelator as well as an antioxidant to prevent trace metals from accelerating rancidity.
can I use Citric Acid and ROE together? I want to add ROE to a gallon of oil and then will be adding CA into my water when I make a batch. Is there a formula for using ROE in such a large amount of oil? And can I safely use ROE and CA in a batch of soap? Thank you
can I use Citric Acid and ROE together? I want to add ROE to a gallon of oil and then will be adding CA into my water when I make a batch. Is there a formula for using ROE in such a large amount of oil? And can I safely use ROE and CA in a batch of soap? Thank you
I use citric acid and Tetrasodium EDTA. Both help prevent DOS.