calling all whipped shea butter experts !

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Active Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the differing results I'm getting despite using the same ingredients, the same method etc.. sometimes a batch whips up 2 jars from x amount of ingredients sometimes only 1 ? ingredients from the same batch so it's not that... any ideas?
If you are using the exact same ingredients, the exact same weights, and the exact same container for the finished product each time, i would suspect it's the air incorporation into your ingredients. Are you warming up any of your ingredients prior to whipping?

ETA: I am by no means an expert!
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Just the Shea butter, I melt that obviously but don't warm the oils and thinking about it it's pretty cold at the moment so could that be it do you think ?
Why bother melting the shea? Whip all your ingredients for about 7 - 10 minutes and you'll have a wonderful whpped shea product!
this is just a shot in the dark guess, but yes I think it has to do with your ambient temp, that will make the difference in how soft/pliable the oils are and the volume of air you can whip into them. room temp egg whites whip to a greater volume than refrigerated ones do.