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  1. L

    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Please leave my country out of this. While I admit we have our problems, but Malaysia isn't exactly blameless. However, let's not point fingers in international forum shall we? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  2. L

    Infused oils

    I think given the time, the scent will fade. :( Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
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    Infused oils

    I am currently in the process of trying this. My rosemary infused EVOO does leave some scent in my soap, but the soap is still soft after 4 weeks. ( combined with high percentage of olive oil.) I also added tea tree EO and the soap smells so divine! I use it as "liquid" soap, I mix a little of...
  4. L

    Embedding M&P Into CP

    That looks awesome! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  5. L

    Fav soap in different design

    Gorgeous! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
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    Apple Cider Vinegar Soap?

    Yay! I've got to try this one day. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  7. L

    Salty flowers

    So pretty and rustic! Love the colors. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  8. L

    Sweating in salt bars

    Humidity sucks! Ughh... Good luck with your soaps! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
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    Sweating in salt bars

    I live in Indonesia. Our climate and humidity is almost the same right? My soaps don't sweat, including my salt bars, but I do have a fan running all day ( for my sake rather my soaps. Lol) Maybe using a fan does work. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  10. L

    Weirdness in my experiment

    1 part lye to 3 parts water. I just made a batch of soap with peppermint, patchouli, and green tea essential oil (I know there's no such thing as green tea EO, but that's how they sold it) and dilute them in castor oil before I added it. The batch seized! I haven't added my charcoal and i...
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    Weirdness in my experiment

    I infused EVOO with dry rosemary and the scent stays in the soap. However, it's been almost a month and the soap is still very soft. It's 60% olive oil, and 20% each for coconut and palm. I did use too much water but still it should have hardened now? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  12. L

    Urgent care... Wear goggles!

    That's so scary!! Thanks for sharing. I'll certainly be very careful from now on. I'm glad you're doing better now. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  13. L

    Palm oil dissapointment!

    I always use liquid palm oil, which I assume is RBD palmolein in soap making. It's the most readily available here. Is there something wrong with it? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  14. L

    will this recipe work?

    Rice bran makes really great soap. My earlier soap has 30% rice bran, 30% coconut, 30% palm and it's great! I can't say if you want to replace palm though. My recipe always have palm in it because it's very cheap here. But you can probably use tallow or lard? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  15. L

    4 New Soaps

    The swirls are to die for! I like the last one best. Looks so mysterious and "vampire-y". Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  16. L

    Candy Cane Swirls Soap

    It's really awesome! I really really like it! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  17. L

    Shipping CP soap internationally

    I've bought lip balms from USA many times and they've never melted, not badly anyway. So I imagine soaps will be ok. Btw, I'm from Indonesia, Singapore's neighbor. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
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    Simple but very modern and sharp looking! I think it's perfect. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
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    Those swirls are perfect! Love it! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  20. L

    Some new soap

    They're all so lovely, but I love the second one best! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making