I think that's a great idea - using as much locally as you can. In fact - I don't know if this is a silly or unrealistic idea or not but my dad and his sisters bought a farm in Southern Oregon and they're growing olive trees there. I think to make olive oil, I keep forgetting to ask (or maybe it's just grow olives - or maybe both). Isn't THAT a great idea of buying locally?!

Thing is, I have no idea how many years it takes to grow the trees before one can expect a decent crop. How COOL is that though eh? The idea of being able to get it from not just a family farm but OUR family farm! Not really mine though - who knows if they'll be stingy about it. On the other hand I hardly ever make soap so I'm sure they can cough some up.
It's not easy to know who to believe when it comes to this issue of whether or not there are sustainable palm products, but I think there's a lot of reasons people would lie and say palm is sustainable when it isn't, whereas I don't think there are as many sound reasons for lying that it's not sustainable if it is, if that makes sense. Experience shows me I have more reason to believe those who speak out against well-documented destruction than to believe those who serve corporations and claim it's all a bunch of over-exaggerated hype. I'm sure that from some perspectives on the ground and given a period relatively frozen in time and examined there are still a lot of forests. But I don't think that will last at this rate, quite honestly.
As for producing or purchasing unsustainable products in the name of supporting and defending lower income populations who may rely on said corporations to put food on their tables... that's a tough one. A really tough one. I struggle with this because I think there can be a lot of snobbery with regard to making healthy choices these days - healthy for bodies and the planet - because often it's the privileged elites living in bubbles of comfort who are in the position to be so choosy and self-righteous. Which somehow feels pretty backward to me. Reminds me of a line from the song "All My Trials": "If religion were a thing that money could buy...the rich would live and the poor would die." Substitute religion with 'health' and the 'if' is no longer needed cause it's the reality of the situation today. You gotta be rich to be (to buy) healthy these days. I know a lot of people who would love to be able to shop at the high-quality, politically-correct organic foods grocery stores but simply can't afford it so end up at the big box nightmare stores loaded with processed foods full of chemicals. It's wrong and so sick and dysfunctional, and the whole system needs to be turned on its head.
Even in the name of people who need the work though, I can't accept something that's as monstrous as the palm industry is, when it's causing so much damage to the forests, endangered wildlife and indeed the planet. I don't think it has to be people OR the Earth/all its inhabitants, because from my perspective, it's one in the same and we're all connected. Living in the "age of disconnection," we're all more disconnected to each other and ourselves than ever, though on the surface are more connected than ever due to our electronic gadgets calling out to us 24/7 like sirens. Likewise being more discontent than ever as we keep trying to fill the ever-expanding voids inside ourselves in these silly ways that we do. My point is that I don't think people any longer realize how much we humans do actually rely on our planet being healthy. Whether humans or the environment including wildlife, it doesn't have to be solely one or the other that are advocated for and yet as we're now all so divided politically - more than ever - people seem to have chosen one corner or the other (again, as if they're not connected). You know, the "screw humans" types (funny, since they're humans, but you know what I mean) or the "screw those who believe in climate change" types (recently replacing the "screw tree-huggers" types). Action is required to make it so that we can improve in both areas and sometimes the only way action can happen when fighting such huge powers that be is to raise a ruckus and boycott where necessary.
Well, hell, I'm sorry I just wrote so much. Time to get off my SOAPbox and stop ranting. For some reading this (if they didn't immediately give up after seeing how much I had to say!) I may be preaching to the choir while for others, they're probably wondering how many glasses of wine I had before writing on here and they'd be right to wonder!!!