Well-Known Member
So I've been wondering about infused oils and if any scent can survive saponification. I did a little experiment. I filled some jars with spices. I used Star anise, powdered clove, chai tea, and cardamom seeds. About four Tbs of each in jars filled with olive oil left in a water bath on my hot plate at low and sometimes warm over four days. I mixed them all into a all OO soap 5% SF @ 33% water. I filled some cheap Tupperware to make small loafs and left them on the kitchen table. Just found this. It has been about 3 hours since I made the soap. All the lye I used was mixed at the same and used from the same container. The clove oil infused seems to be gelling. Feeling the bottoms the Anise is cold, the clove is hottest, the chai is warm but not as warm as the clove, and the cardamom is also cold. After I poured them I smelled them to see if anything was there. The anise was present, the clove not so much but detectable, the chai was present and the cardamom was the strongest. But whats up with the gel and heat? Also the anise still looks wet like I just poured it while the rest have matted over.

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