4 New Soaps

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
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I had to stop making soap for about 2 weeks because I ran out of curing room but I finally got most of them cleared out and started making more. I hit a soaping streak and after the 3rd batch, I ran out of one of my regular soaping oils. Soooo, it was the perfect time to tweak my recipe and try a new oil that I had been planning to play with. After my 4th batch I ran out of another one of my main oils and decided to give it a break for a few days...lol

Black Tie.jpg

Coconut Lime Verbena.jpg

Dragon's Blood.jpg

Santa's Pipe.jpg
LOVE the swirls!!! beautiful soaps. what do they smell like??
Neeners! I bought grape juice.....did you get cranberry powder??? I set the grape juice out and meant to separate a small portion of the last batch I made and then I completely forgot about it until I was molding the last bit of batter...lol

OK, so from top to bottom the scents are Black Tie from WSP, Coconut Lime Verbena and then Dragon's Blood both from Candle Science and lastly Santa's Pipe from WSP.
I love the swirls on the first one. How did you do them?

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Thanks everyone!

@Houseofwool, I didn't purposefully swirl that one or the second. My batter was somewhat thin and I alternated colors pouring from different heights and sometimes pouring straight end to end, sometimes zig-zagging when I poured. The only part I swirled on purpose was the very top layer with a craft stick.
The swirls are to die for! I like the last one best. Looks so mysterious and "vampire-y".

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more pretty swirls!!!! I've got to get soaping!!! All these gorgeous swirls :wink: