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  1. L

    soaping disaster

    If you know exactly how much lye you added, then I think rebatching and adding the extra oils to it will be fine. I've done it before and my batches turned out great! And i know what you mean about first batches turning out great. I"ve had two batches that are squishy soft and I have no idea...
  2. L

    The word association game

  3. L

    ITP swirling soaps question

    Everytime i try and do an ITP swirl, it ends up muddled.... all the colors mix together and i don't get a great swirl. I pour the colored soap into the base soap at 12, 3, 6, and 9 oclock. Use my spatula to gently stir through the colors once. Pour. sometimes it comes out ok, but its never...
  4. L

    5 of my recent soaps...

    what did you use to get that fabulous red??? Those are lovley!
  5. L

    baby balm/ diaper cream?

    what would make something not safe to use with cloth diapers? That doesn't make sense....
  6. L

    Itchy skin from handmade soap...Need your help

    My thought was shaving too. I would quit shaving and see if that helps. I would also use a good moisturizer. I use a body dew spray that is made up of various oils and something to make it less greasy. do you use a body puff? Or anything abrasive on your skin? Try just rubbing the soap...
  7. L

    Help! I'm addicted to soap making!

    sounds to me like it would be very beneficial for you to pack up your soaping supplies and personally walk them over first thing. That way you know where they are, its all together, and you can get away from the stress of moving by going down and soaping! it's what I'd do!!! oh, and...
  8. L

    Cleaning Up After Making Soap

    This is one reason that I like HP soaping... clean-up is SO easy.
  9. L

    Nostalgia in Lye Soap

    soapaddict: Sometimes those early days are the days they remember best! Lindy: I wonder if they had to salt it... if the potash wasn't strong enough to completely saponify the oils.
  10. L

    Suggestions Needed on gift packages

    You definitely want them to be able to see what's in it. That is important. So, a nice inexpensive gift basket, some filler for the bottom and a transparent plastic wrap tied with a nice bow!
  11. L

    rosemary soap

    How would I go about making a rosemary soap? Should I infuse the oils first with fresh rosemary? then just make soap as usual? Is there a specific FO/eo I should use? What are the benefits of rosemary soap?
  12. L

    New recipe very soft

    I did run your recipe through soap calc. there is no option to add rosemary oil, so that may have affected it. but overall, the numbers show this soap to be a very soft bar of soap. that being said, the high percentage of olive oil may change that as olive oil make a very hard bar of soap...
  13. L

    Nostalgia in Lye Soap

    Lye soap has a stigma to it, but I live in the south and people ask for lard lye soap. They love it here! It is neat to be down at the farmers market on Saturdays and have the older generation tell me all about their hand made soap from their childhood. I'd love to meet someone that actually...
  14. L

    palmitic, oleic, ...?

    I'm still not sure what all those acids do or mean. Except for Ricinoleic. that comes only from castor oil and is directly related to the lather. I look at the other values, though. I try and make a mild soap that is high conditioning, low cleansing, and lots of lather. I figured out that...
  15. L

    What are your bestsellers?

    thanks for your reply, Genny. It is interesting seeing what sells well for some people and not for others. It seems like things like bath oil, bath salts, and bath bombs are not in vogue at the moment. But something will come up and make them front and center again.
  16. L

    Two New Soaps

    is there a video on how to do this? I've seen the video on the Celine hanger swirl, but not how to do this one. And it's SO pretty!
  17. L

    does anyone else just HATE the avery label maker?

    not sure. I downloaded the template thing and its now part of MS word 2010. I tried what they offer online and I couldn't make that work either.
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    I've had a window open on my computer for three days with a $100+ BB FO order. I really only need ONE FO, but if I"m paying shipping, then I need to make it worth my while, right???
  19. L

    does anyone else just HATE the avery label maker?

    I can't get that thing to work for anything! It's not customize able enough and the cuts don't line up. :x And I really need labels... I've been putting this off for three weeks!
  20. L

    What are your bestsellers?

    If you sell B&B products, what items do you carry and what are your best sellers?