Every time I go thru the lists of FO that you guys post, I end up on a site ordering more. I have absolutely no will power. I must have more! But thankyou for posting!
I think I should be in B&B anonymous. All those recipes and ideas spark an urge to try them, thus more ingredients and more storage room needed. It is indeed an addictive hobby. :mrgreen:
I used to be such a big Fo Ho and ordered every single fo I could get my hands on. But last year I sold off all my extra fo's that I could live without. Then I went through all of those that were left & made myself narrow it down to 20. That was so hard.
Now when I see someone post that a supplier is having a sale on an fo, I try not to even look at the post. I now allow myself to only order 1 new fo to try out each time that I have to reorder my regular fo's.