Help! I'm addicted to soap making!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
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When I chose my username, I didn't know just how addicted I truly was! We are moving soon. We were originally supposed to move tomorrow, but our moving date had to be pushed back. One of the first things to be packed were my soap supplies & equipment. I am SO anxious to make soap again, I think I may need to go to soap makers anonymous! I find soap making so peaceful & relaxing. It's my escape from a hectic day. I also think the reason why I'm so anxious to move is because I'll have my own workshop instead of a table in the kitchen! Our new home has a separate room in the basement with a work table, a window & shelves! Lots & lots of shelves! There are 5 wooden shelving units built into the walls. Each unit is about 3 ft wide and 6-6 1/2 ft tall! There will be no more curing soap in various places through out the house or keeping my supplies in a box under my work table & on top of the refrigerator! I'll have wonderful, beautiful shelves & a space of my own to create my soapy creations! The rest of the house is nice too. It's in a quieter neighborhood & my new neighbors seem to be really nice. I really liked the house when I first saw it. But the workshop is what made feel that I had to have that house! Does anyone else feel that strongly about making soap or their work space? Or should I seek professional help? Lol
Wow! I'm so envious. I'd love to have a designated area for soapmaking and room for all the supplies. When do you get to move?

I don't know if this will help but maybe you should make a list of all the soaps you'll make when you get into your new home. Write down recipes, additives, fragrances, colorants, etc. Dream big! Envision all the gorgeous soap you'll make and maybe that will keep you, if not sane, at least to retain the illusion of normality. :lol:
I'm envious, too! I make mine in the kitchen and decided to just use it as a selling point with my soap. :D

I would love to have a workshop, though.

I am like you. I have describing making soap as a sort of "zen" experience. It truly is a creative enterprise, and I feel peaceful when I'm doing it (unless something is going wrong—then I'm super frazzled!). Honestly, the part that feels the most peaceful and relaxing to me is mixing the lye, especially if I'm using frozen milk or cream, and blending the lye and oils with the stick blender. It takes me to this point of concentration, and I just don't mind going slow. Usually I'm hurrying about. I think soaping is the time I take just for myself to enjoy and be creative. I just love it.

I recently moved, too. I didn't start soaping beforehand because I knew it would interfere with getting ready to move. :p It turned out to be a good thing because I spent that time researching and collecting recipes. I am usually inclined to dive in, but slowing down and learning was a good thing in this case.
Yip a little green here as well :mrgreen: how exciting to be having such a wonderful space for creating your soap! Sounds like a great move. Soaping is my sanity especially when the work place is feeling like a crap place to be. I often make soap before work and spend the night dreaming of coming home and cutting it :D
I have another whole week of waiting to move, then when we move, there will be that period where we all play "where's that box?" as we unpack & put the new home together. I like the idea of making a soap to do list! There are a few more things that I'd like to make for Christmas. I think I'll keep my list & recipes in my purse tho. I wouldn't want them to get lost in the packing and unpacking. :D I'm so happy to hear that I don't need professional help! Lol, at least not yet any way! :lol: :mrgreen:
Congrats on the new home. I can tell you from experience it is wonderful to have dedicated space for your soaping. We have a basement suite and I have that kitchen (small), plus one of the bedrooms as my office, curing room, packaging storage and not nearly big enough! So we are going to clear out a couple of other rooms which have been used for storage so I can take over one of them too..... :lol:

You are going to love it!
Thanks! The new home isn't too far from our current home and I am so tempted to load up my folding cart and walk some soaping supplies over! I'm terrible! I've got an entire house to worry about moving & 85% of my concern is over my soap room! Maybe it's because the holidays are quickly approaching & I still have several more soaps I want to make.
I'm addicted too. The only thing that stops me is the cleanup and how careful you have to be with lye in a kitchen where I also like to cook up a storm sometimes. Wish I had a soap room and all I'd need is a sink a counter and a burner and voila.
A sink! I was so excited about the room that I forgot about a sink! I usually use distilled water and I melt/warm my oils & butters in a crock pot or microwave so I knew I didn't need a stove, but I do need to wash my equipment. I'll need to invest in a tote to carry everything upstairs to the kitchen for washing. Now I'm wondering if I've forgotten anything else in my excitement? :shock:
I think that it is wonderful that you have a dedicated space. I call my living room my "lab". I would love to have a room where I can soap without worrying about a stray lye crystal getting in the food or embedded in the carpet. Congrats to you.
sounds to me like it would be very beneficial for you to pack up your soaping supplies and personally walk them over first thing. That way you know where they are, its all together, and you can get away from the stress of moving by going down and soaping!

it's what I'd do!!!

oh, and regarding your addiction.... that is like asking a bunch of alcoholics if you have a problem. Umm... no, of course you don't. Because if I say YOU do, then what am I saying about myself! LOL
:D I like the way you think Loolee! And you're right, but who else would understand my addiction but my fellow addicts? Lol!
My boyfriend learned firsthand about stray lye crystals BubblyRose, the hard way! I kept telling him not to put food or dishes on my soap table for that reason but he wouldn't listen. One day he got a accidental taste of lye or pigment or something! Needless to say, I haven't had to talk to him again on the subject! Lol
I read the title of your thread and I thought to myself....." how is this is problem?" Really. Being addicted to soaping is the best addiction out there....or at least i think so! My husband has the garage for his "whatever" and I have my soap room for soaps and lotion making. It is pure bliss. I am dreading my 3+ week hiatus from soaping.
You have a good point debbism! There are quiet a few things that at way ross than soaping that I could been addicted to! St least with soaping I can honestly say that I've been "clean" for the last 6 months! :lol: As for your hiatus, I think it was Hazel that gave me tip to make a list of the things I'd like to create once I can fire up the crock pot again. It did help soothe my soaping nerve! So far I've created a list of the gift baskets I'd like to make for Christmas & I've also been creating recipes on soap calc.
SoapAddict415 said:
:D I like the way you think Loolee! And you're right, but who else would understand my addiction but my fellow addicts? Lol!
My boyfriend learned firsthand about stray lye crystals BubblyRose, the hard way! I kept telling him not to put food or dishes on my soap table for that reason but he wouldn't listen. One day he got a accidental taste of lye or pigment or something! Needless to say, I haven't had to talk to him again on the subject! Lol

Wow! I hope he is alright. Normally when I make soap we eat out for the next 3 days because I am constantly washing everything in the kitchen down with vinegar and am oh so sure that I didn't get everything. :shock: Of course my daughter loves this. Anyway, I love soap making. So looking forward to ramping up for the holidays.
SoapAddict415 said:
When I chose my username, I didn't know just how addicted I truly was! We are moving soon. We were originally supposed to move tomorrow, but our moving date had to be pushed back. One of the first things to be packed were my soap supplies & equipment. I am SO anxious to make soap again, I think I may need to go to soap makers anonymous! I find soap making so peaceful & relaxing. It's my escape from a hectic day. I also think the reason why I'm so anxious to move is because I'll have my own workshop instead of a table in the kitchen!............................

....... I really liked the house when I first saw it. But the workshop is what made feel that I had to have that house! Does anyone else feel that strongly about making soap or their work space? Or should I seek professional help? Lol

Naw, there's nothing wrong with you. I was "planning" on attending some SA meetings, but I got too busy making soaps and missed each one.

I also got kicked out of my kitchen and am now confined to the basement...

Good luck with the move, and happy soaping!

EGirl :p
I am a soap addict too..and I'm so glad I found this group..
I can now talk about all things soapy with people who understand..
congrats on having a soap room..way to go sista..
I do M&P soaps and I have an outside kitchen in the laundry..long story
my partner is going to break down the wall between the laundry and the garage and build me a studio/work room combined
for my painting and soap's going to have miles of benches and exciting..
At the moment I have has a double sink, stove and a table to work on..
its tight! andI have to carry all the soaps into the house for the drying..
but I happy to put up with it as I know it wont be long now..
:( Well, my move got canceled. There were several issues like a broken back door, a leak & mildew in the basement that my future landlord said he'd have fixed before we moved that weren't fixed. Despite my giving him extra time to take care of the repairs, he still didn't take care of anything & chose to give me back my security deposit rather than keep his word. I suppose it was for the best. So the hunt is on again!

Egirlxx7, my boyfriend was fine. Whatever it was just left a really nasty taste in his mouth.
SoapAddict415 said:
:( Well, my move got canceled.

I'm so sorry to hear you're not moving. I'm sending bubbly mojo your way that you'll find something even better!

Well, it is bubbly mojo until the dragon appears and eats the wizard. At this point, just imagine it's the scummy landlord who can't be bothered to make a few repairs for future renters. You wouldn't want to rent from someone like this anyway because he'd obviously be a lousy landlord. It's better to find out before you move in that he doesn't repair problems then to find out after you're living there.

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