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  1. M

    Sole Proprietor vs LLC?

    Have you checked with your state's Secretary of State's office? In my state (MO) they have a wealth of information, resources, and all necessary forms for starting/registering a business. From my research I determined the LLC would be the best for me IF I decide to take that next step. The...
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    Sample Results

    Hi Everyone, Posted a query here a few months ago on having free soap samples at the shop where I sell my soap, an established store in a resort area. The owner suggested samples as a way to improve sales. I cut small pieces to insert along with my card into a business card size plastic...
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    Elderberry flowers

    I have an abundance of blooming elderberry plants, can these be used in cp in some way? I think I've heard there are skin benefits to various parts of the elderberry plant. Could the flowers be dried and added at trace or infused in the oils, etc. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks.
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    Losing favor??

    It's been recently suggested to me (a cp soap maker for a very long time) that traditional bars of soap are no longer desirable and people now prefer liquid soap in bottles. I sell on a very limited basis but have noticed that sales are somewhat down and have thought it was just the current...
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    Yes, the fact they don't do anything except take credit for doing everything is what irritated me about them. I also noticed the orange soap, looks just like one of my mistake batches when lye burned the milk. Oh well, guess realism is not the goal of this "reality" show--good for...
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    First, please forgive me, just have to ask. Apologize if it's been brought up before. Has anyone watched the Fabulous Beekman Boys TV show? A friend told me they were soapmakers and I should check it out so I did. Seems to me they claim to be soapmakers, bath/body product makers, but don't...
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    Thanks Everyone Your ideas have been very helpful! I was at a loss on how to begin with this idea. Including a business card especially, made me remember I had ordered 500 cards some time ago that did not turn out, had no idea what to do with them - they will work great for this. I so...
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    Has anyone given away free samples? The owner of the shop where I sell soap has asked if I would be willing to do free samples. She thinks it would boost soap sales. I am not opposed to this but not sure how to do it. I was thinking about cutting slices off a regular soap bar but need ideas...
  9. M

    Oatmeal water

    I take a generous cup (or so--dont really measure) of regular rolled oats and add it to about 1 gallon of water and leave it in the fridge a couple of days, stirring once in a while. I use this "oatmilk" to replace the water in CP. I also grind up some of the regular rolled oats and add about...
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    Natural Soaps.. Essential Oils.. how do they afford it!?

    Good question. In my experience only a few e.o.'s hold up in CP, namely Patchouli, Lavender, Rosemary, Tea Tree, mints. I've tried some others with unhappy results for the $ invested. Doubtful if therapeutic benefits from e.o. can survive in CP. Better results in re-batching or HP possibly...
  11. M

    Am I wrong for not liking essential oils?

    A little belated but I wanted to jump in here - just love a discussion about eo vs fo. After searching everywhere on the effectiveness of eo in cold process soap the conclusion seems to be that therapeutic benefits from the eo cannot survive the lye process and very few provide a lasting scent...
  12. M

    just venting

    Thanks! I feel so much better knowing that I am not wrong about this class. I've not done this before, live in an area where there's not much available along these lines. This was an individual offering the class out of her home so no one higher up. Funny, I am on her e-mail list now and...
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    just venting

    Hello all, I am so :x . Signed up for a 2-day BEGINNING basket making class (75.00/day). Instructor displayed many beautiful baskets she claimed to have made, said she had been a basket maker for 30 years. The project was a large egg basket (I've since learned this is not a beginner...
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    great looking and feeling but not much fragrance

    great discussion, great info - with a few exceptions, I also find eos fade quickly in cold process and question why spend the money. I sell some soap to the local health food store where the owner demands eo and NO fragrance oil. But then she sells fragrance oil candles, shampoos, salts, etc...
  15. M

    Natural Fragrance Oils for Soapmaking??

    Hello, In surfing the web, noticing some suppliers are offering what they claim are completely NATURAL fragrance oils, 100% botanical based fragrance oils (not e.o.) in scents like "sugar cookie, banana cream, etc. etc." Can this be possible?? Does anyone have experience using in soap? Thanks!!
  16. M

    guild membership

    I am considering joining the Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild and wondering if others have found the benefits worth the cost. I understand most of the cost is for insurance, but what other benefits are there? Has anyone formed an LLC? In my state this is fairly inexpensive and does provide some...
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    Lye vs essential oils

    Thanks for the input - very much appreciated and helpful!
  18. M

    Lye vs essential oils

    new here - does anyone know of research showing how lye impacts the benefits of essential oils? Wondering if any of the beneficial properties of eo actually survive the process and if the extra cost of eos is justified what with the high quality fragrance oils now available. Just wondering.