great looking and feeling but not much fragrance

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Jan 14, 2011
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I used 3 pound batch with 40% olive oil, 30% Coconut oil, 30% veg shorting, .5 oz of lavender EO, .5 oz melon Fragrance. lavender flowers.
smells like soap but I want that over the top lavendar smell how much should I ad
You may have to bump up the lavender to .7 oz or even 1 oz ppo. You're probably going to have to experiment to find the right percentage.
I've tried a couple of lavender batches at .5 oz ppo and still didn't get a big lavender smell. For three pounds the minimum would be 1.5oz of lavender EO. I've experimented with enough EOs at this point to have come to the conclusion that you are never going to get an over the top smell with an EO. Not at .5 oz ppo anyway. I recently did a batch that was two pounds and used .5 oz lavender EO and 1oz of lavender FO, much better. I think all the times when I was buying others hand made soaps thinking that there was an EO in the soap it was more than likely an FO. They are just too expensive and delicate for soap IMO.
PrairieCraft said:
I've tried a couple of lavender batches at .5 oz ppo and still didn't get a big lavender smell. For three pounds the minimum would be 1.5oz of lavender EO. I've experimented with enough EOs at this point to have come to the conclusion that you are never going to get an over the top smell with an EO. Not at .5 oz ppo anyway. I recently did a batch that was two pounds and used .5 oz lavender EO and 1oz of lavender FO, much better. I think all the times when I was buying others hand made soaps thinking that there was an EO in the soap it was more than likely an FO. They are just too expensive and delicate for soap IMO.

some EOs will kick you across the room at 0.5 oz ppo (peppermint comes to mind, as do some of the spices, and there are others), but I agree that lavender needs to be higher. I do 1 oz ppo.
Maybe camden grey EOs aren't that good I used .6 oz ppo in a peppermint batch and the same in a cinnamon batch and wasn't impressed. Initially both were really strong but after a couple months...meh.

I purchased some EO scented soaps from a soaper at a farmers market this month, she was charging an arm and a leg. Smelled great 6 or so months ago when I bought them now...barely smell.

Started to think my sniffer isn't working anymore but I've had others confirm for me. My research has been fairly limited as far as friends family and a few clients but so far everyone thinks the EO scented soaps aren't scented enough. The only one that I've made thats hanging on is the litsea, it's coming up on nine months and has definitely faded but still detectable.

At 1oz ppo it would cost like 14 bucks for a batch of lavender just for scent and to potentially have it fade. :cry:

Sorry, to sound like a Debbie Downer about essential oils. I've had plenty of FOs fade as well. It has been the most difficult part of soap making for me. Finding a scent you like and making it stick. I suppose the only thing you can do is to try things out to see. I have been checking this site before I buy or use an FO there is some info on EOs as well. ... 3916e9df05
One trick you can try (and it is inexpensive too) before giving up on EOs is to incorporate some kaolin clay into your soap mixture. I am not sure what the right amount is supposed to be, but I usually just go with a rounded teaspoon per lb of oils. I use 40/42 lavender at the rate of one ounce per lb. The only other EO I have used so far is Tea Tree Oil at a request from a family member. That stuff is very strong...I used barely .5 per lb and the scent was nearly overwhelming even after the cure. Fortunately it all left the premises for the family member's own house. :lol:
I use lavender 40/42 EO from WSP and it lasts really well. I use it at .8 oz PPO. It's awesome.
I've tried clays and benzoin and litsea as a base. I'm up over a dozen batches made with EOs and I think that is enough wasted product for me. It hurts my wallet too much :D If people even liked the soap made from it I might feel different but so far everyone has been more drawn to the FO soaps when given a choice.
I've had good luck with lavender 40/42 EO from WSP, too. I've also had good luck with the Energizing Blend and Euphoria Type Blend. I do agree that EOs are expensive to use in soap and I've gradually been using more FOs.

PrairieCraft - Where are you buying your EOs?

reallyrita - I had forgotten about using kaolin clay. Thanks for mentioning it. :D
PrairieCraft said:
I've tried clays and benzoin and litsea as a base. I'm up over a dozen batches made with EOs and I think that is enough wasted product for me. It hurts my wallet too much :D If people even liked the soap made from it I might feel different but so far everyone has been more drawn to the FO soaps when given a choice.

When I first started making soap I tried to go as all natural as possible. I've used many different EOs, but little by little I began to buy FOs and it has been my experience too that when given a choice they almost always go with the FO soaps over the ones made with the EOs, (exept in the case of lemongrass and a lemon/lavender blend I make.) So there's only about 10 EOs that I try to keep on hand now, because I know the others are just unnecessary....and expensive! :?
I don't think the EO's I've got are that strong either, and it does get expensive.

I bought lavender oil and tea tree oil from the supermarket to try, but have just read that they have alcohol in them. Does anyone know if they are OK to use ?

I bought a bunch of EOs from Camden Grey, so far the only good thing that has come of that expenditure was that I was able to make a kick butt fly spray for my horse this past summer.

dcornett- So glad to hear I'm not the only one with this experience. The EOs smell good oob. I've tried a few blends that I love and always go a little heavier than .5 oz ppo. The guinea pigs just don't like it. :lol: Gotta keep the guinea pigs happy.

Relle, I think the alcohol will do something funny to the soap. Someone else will chime in on that.
I make lots of lavender soap and in order to get a good strong lavender scent I use 1 ounce of eo per pound of oils. If you only used 1 oz. total fragrance for a 3 lb. batch that's your problem. Amp up the amount of fragrance you use. Dottie
great discussion, great info - with a few exceptions, I also find eos fade quickly in cold process and question why spend the money. I sell some soap to the local health food store where the owner demands eo and NO fragrance oil. But then she sells fragrance oil candles, shampoos, salts, etc. in the same section - go figure! Would like to come up with a statement justifying using both - any suggestions?
I suppose the fragrance oils must be completely man made, then, for them to be cheaper? I wonder how you make, for example, a mint fo, without actually using real mint to make it?

I have found my lavender eo's to fade too, I have one store bought and one from a local lavender farm which is very strongly scented straight from the bottle, but neither have stayed well in my CP soaps. I think I might try a mix of eo and fo next time.. so hopefully it will still have the properties from the eo, but the scent from the fo..
Relle, I used Eucalyptus form the supermarket with my Papaya mash ....and it turned out just fine.....isoprol which they spray onto soap also has alcohol in it .....and it doesnt affect the soap
turnedlight said:
I suppose the fragrance oils must be completely man made, then, for them to be cheaper? I wonder how you make, for example, a mint fo, without actually using real mint to make it?

I have found my lavender eo's to fade too, I have one store bought and one from a local lavender farm which is very strongly scented straight from the bottle, but neither have stayed well in my CP soaps. I think I might try a mix of eo and fo next time.. so hopefully it will still have the properties from the eo, but the scent from the fo..

I think many FOs do have some EO in them. My last lavender batch I used .5 oz ppo EO and .5 oz ppo FO. It did seem like some of the real lavender smell was coming through, more than my EO only batch. It's only been a week though so who knows how it will hold up.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good lavender FO that smells more like the EO. The lavenders FOs I've come across smell very fake.
Relle - I think the alcohol can accelerate trace is all. I've used the the one from woolies as well with no troubles. They sell it with & without. (water dispersable) Read the labels. Its quiet an economical choice I've found for TT & euco.
Thanks Trace and Nat for the info, I must admit I had trouble reading the label without my glasses, such fine print. I still haven't opened the TT, so I might be able to swap it.

I only use eo's and I've had more successes than failures. I was really disappointed in Camden Grey's eo's and will not buy from them again. Especially their citrus eo's. There is NO scent and that's right after unmolding. Their rosemary and basil are fine. I really like lebermuth as well as WSP and EW.

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