Oatmeal water

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Mar 20, 2011
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does anyone has experience if it is possible to infuse oatmeal in water and use for lye? thanks Simona
Why not just blend the oatmeal up with hot water in the blender? You can strain anything out that doesn't liquefy.
I've done it. Use whole oats, not instant. Boil in water at a ratio of about 1:3 or 1:4 and let cool. Strain. It's nice.
am I reading this right? You want to REPLACE the lye with oat water? That doesn't sound right but I love learning new things every day :)
Bukawww said:
am I reading this right? You want to REPLACE the lye with oat water? That doesn't sound right but I love learning new things every day :)
you replace the water with oat milk.
I haven't tried it, but apparently you can also soak the oats in cold water overnight, then strain and use in place of the water in your soap. I've also heard you can use it in lotions, but I'm not too sure about that!
kelleyaynn said:
judymoody said:
I've done it. Use whole oats, not instant. Boil in water at a ratio of about 1:3 or 1:4 and let cool. Strain. It's nice.

What did you like about it?

I made a honey oat soap with the liquid. The soap had an almost silky texture and good lather. The soap was unscented but you still got a tiny whiff of oat/bread scent but perhaps that was the power of suggestion on my part.
Pepper said:
I've also heard you can use it in lotions, but I'm not too sure about that!

I haven't experimented with either so I'm certainly no authority on the matter, but there is some good info on the link I posted above, and I would imagine that it would be even better to use oat milk in lotions because there is no lye monster to gobble up the benefits of using it. Oatmeal has been used forever to soothe itchy dry skin, and there are tons of lotions on the market that contain oatmeal/oatmilk that claim to moisturize as they soothe and protect irritated skin. I havent' gotten up the nerve to make lotion yet, been studying and collecting...LOL, but when I finally do I want to try this.
I take a generous cup (or so--dont really measure) of regular rolled oats and add it to about 1 gallon of water and leave it in the fridge a couple of days, stirring once in a while. I use this "oatmilk" to replace the water in CP. I also grind up some of the regular rolled oats and add about 1/4 c. or less to 5#--too much=scratchy. Finally, I stir in 1/4 c of whole oats. My daugher-in-law says this is the best soap she's found for her problem skin. I have a little grandson with eczema and it seems to help when he breaks out. And, very dog-friendly--has really helped my itchy Austrialian Terrier.
ah ok - I see...the way the OP was written, it sounded like she wanted to use the oatmilk for lye but I realize now she wanted to use oatmilk for the water WITH the lye...I was confuzzled lol.
I just tried soaping with oatmilk as my whole water content tonight. I mixed up a quarter cup of whole oats with 2 cups boiling water and then let it cool to room temp. Used the liquid as all my water (went with a 5% water discount). Added in 2 tsp of granulated sugar.

Used just the plain 15% CO, 15% Lard and 70% olive oil recipe with a 6% superfat for a total of 10oz of oil and ended up deciding to skip the FO to see if I could end up with an oat smell to it. I'm trying out a cardboard paper towel roll lined with freezer paper as a mold (had leakage so put it into a plastic container and will just hope for the best) left out in a cool basement. I'll report back after cutting and cure.
What about Oat Dream? I have a few containers of that left here.. its like rice milk, but oats...it does have sugar and canola oil in it though.. I was going to try it in a baby soap..... ???
I don't know how you'd factor for the added oil in it, you couldn't. You'd bound to be safer just making your own oat milk gaerwen...especially if it's for a baby!!
I made the baby soap last night and used oat milk for the water portion. The oat milk/lye mixture got really thick, and with the tiny bits of oatmeal in the milk it was kind of hard to tell when the lye was dissolved. So I mixed it for several minutes, then put it through a strainer into my oils. It mixed well, and after insulating with a space blanket and towel to insure full gel, the soap looks really good this morning. I'll be cutting it later.

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