You know you're a crazy soap person when...

Soapmaking Forum

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Your daughter calls home from college and asks "what are you up to?" When you reply with "working on a new soap recipe" and she says "I KNEW you'd say something about soap!"

When you used to email friends & family and attach adorable pics of your kids and pets, but now attach photos of your newest soap successes.

When you forget to cook dinner because you're too busy cooking soap.

Yes, all 3 of these happened to me today. As my family took it in stride, I guess it's not as unordinary as I think! (In my house, anyway, lol) :lolno:
When you're down at the beach and you should be enjoying the WATER maybe, or hummm.... The beautiful view. But you don't see any of that because you're too busy looking for wood/sticks and thinking about how you could incorporate that in to some kind of soap display.
When you really want to go see your team members who will be working in their classrooms today (we all teach pre-K) BUT you have an order of fragrance oils arriving today, and MUST be home for that!
See clothes people wear and think soap design

It's like every time I see someone wearing a patterned shirt or dress I will think ..hmmm..that would be a pretty soap
You eat lunch by the drying rack so you can spend quality time with them (soap).

You squeeze/hardness test a bar from each batch at least twice a day.

You're eating desert and suddenly wonder what cool whip soap would be like:thumbup:
When you start "making deals" with yourself just to get anything else done.

Example: "When you finish the dishes and do a load of laundry then you can try that new colorant."

" After you return the book to the library and go to the dump, then you can make those 2 loaves that need to be done."

"No soap making forums until you vacuum the house!"

I swear I wouldn't get anything done but soap if I didn't restrain myself.
When you start "making deals" with yourself just to get anything else done.

Example: "When you finish the dishes and do a load of laundry then you can try that new colorant."

" After you return the book to the library and go to the dump, then you can make those 2 loaves that need to be done."

"No soap making forums until you vacuum the house!"

I swear I wouldn't get anything done but soap if I didn't restrain myself.

Totally. I always "have" to do the dishes before I'm "allowed" to make soap. I have to remind myself not to forget to make dinner because that's more important than soap.
When guests aren't allowed to leave the house without an allotment of soap, because I need that space!
When it becomes contagious and your daughter (who'd rather bake than soap) says "ooh I can't wait till you cut that one!" Lol
When you start "making deals" with yourself just to get anything else done.

Example: "When you finish the dishes and do a load of laundry then you can try that new colorant."

" After you return the book to the library and go to the dump, then you can make those 2 loaves that need to be done."

"No soap making forums until you vacuum the house!"

I swear I wouldn't get anything done but soap if I didn't restrain myself.

I do the same thing. I lost control once and forgot to make dinner...:what:
When you start saying soap instead of soup or any other 4 letter s word...oops..soap brain.
When you start saying soap instead of soup or any other 4 letter s word...oops..soap brain.

Lol. DH has taken to calling me soap for brains! In a cute sense, of course. I haven't gotten so far gone that I've replaced all my s words, yet, but I've been caught saying soaper instead super, a few times.

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