You know you're a crazy soap person when...

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...when you 'visit' your soaps that are curing...

I am so guilty of this one! My youngest has started calling them my little chicks, because I'm such a mother hen lol.

A dreaming about soap...yeah, guilty of that one, too. :)

Seeing someone, and instantly thinking of a soap you make that could help them with their splotchy or dry skin...

Beeswax & Bubbles
When you get all peeved off when you discover that the 30 oz jar of coconut oil that you got on sale in fact has only 28.2 oz of oil in it.

That would be Luann right? Still a good amount to use in a batch, easy to use container to melt in.
Trying again, since SMF didn't like my post earlier...

This thread makes me think of this video every time I see it:
I appreciated that video.

...when you experience withdrawl symptoms because you let a week go by without making soap (that's probably just me). How did soaping go from hobby to habit is beyond me.
When your hubby has to call you at the hospital at tell you that you need to A) stop ordering WSP when you're there, because he has no idea where to put it, so it's piled up in the kitchen until you get home to look, and B )really really stop ordering when there are heavy-duty pain meds in your system .
you're packing to move countries and you have a hard time deciding what soaps come with you and which ones stay (the ones staying will be in storage until I come back later in the year). picking favourites sometimes feel like picking which child you like best...... LOL
When you take your kids for a walk around the neighborhood and point out a gorgeous lavender plant to your 5 yr old and she replies, "maybe they make soap too!" and your 18 month old chimes in, "soap!".

Ha! Sounds about like my kids. My 3 year old is always talkin about my soaps and that they smell good. My 1 year old is too busy trying to sneak away so she can play in my supplies or chew on a bar.. Her favorite is my coffee
...when you 'visit' your soaps that are curing...

I am so guilty of this one! My youngest has started calling them my little chicks, because I'm such a mother hen lol.

A dreaming about soap...yeah, guilty of that one, too. :)

Seeing someone, and instantly thinking of a soap you make that could help them with their splotchy or dry skin...

Beeswax & Bubbles

Haha, I do this. The really funny thing to me is that both of my sons do it too. They always have to pick up the bars and smell them. Then they usually claim a bar. :D
Gotta love our little soap-mongers. :)
My youngest is leaving his current school, and adores the office staff, so as his parting appreciation gift, he snitched some pretty soaps I had just wrapped and gave them to the ladies.

Another one.. Looking forward more to new posts from fellow soapers than you do opening gifts at holidays. (I found myself answering 'my soap forum or soap supplies!' repeatedly, when asked what I wanted this past Christmas and birthday lol)
When you have to bribe your husband into testing soap by cooking him brownies!

Backstory.. DH hates bar soap. Don't know why, I don't think he even knows. He uses dial body wash. As a previous poster stated: "It's existence offends me" is truly accurate. I asked him, oh I don't know, seventy times to try my first batch of soap before I realized I needed to cater to his sweet tooth. I thought about withholding other things.. but then I'd suffer, too! Lol

On a side note, the brownies work, every time. I think he now associates chocolate brownies with soap.. but I'm okay with that!
I wish I could bribe mine with sweets! Lol
He thinks my soaps are great, but won't even try it for me. He's a kermudgeon! (I'm sure that's misspelled)
...when you're driving home from dinner out, enjoying the scenery, and happen to not only see the resemblance of soap in a cloud pattern, but turn and nonchalantly say to your travel mate, 'pretty sunset clouds, but my swirls incorporate better.' Yeah, just happened. I won't live this down, for some time, I'm sure.
You run out of supplies and wonder if you can use the fats of an olive, 2 TBS oo, a cup of castor oil, and an old 1 oz jar of shea butter to make soap out of.
Your soap making pyrex containers are better than anything you use to cook with.
You don't even use a stick blender for any kind of food.
You've never used a kitchen scale for food, it's strictly for soap.
You find it fun to organize your oils and additives.
You dream of soap.
You're addicted to weird little squares that can foam ~ why do we care so much about soap? I keep asking myself that.
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I had another dream about soapmaking last night. I remember playing with numbers of the different oils I was using in a recipe, tweaking it until I got it juuuuust right. I also remember visiting the forum and reading some threads. One person had bumped their thread (first posted 7 years ago?!?), apparently they never got an answer how soap high in Palm oil would perform?

:wtf: ?!?!?!!!! have a week to move, you throw out every commercial soap you had in the back of the linen closet, the last thing you packed was your soap making stuff, and now you spend every spare minute on The Soap Making Forum!

Really, I have to thank everyone on this forum. I would be losing my (soap making) mind without all of you.
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