I love your label. Very clean and clear. A bit of color will just add that extra something needed.
Sorry, zolveria--what is "foiled"?
Yeah, it looks like the owl is trying to hypnotize you. The yellow should only be in the middle, anyway. I think I'll stick with the black and white.
I like Obsidian's version better - just enough yellow to draw you in. (Although, I think the owl looks a little less grumpy - not a bad thing!) :smile:
Spenny, your labels are perfect: Easy to read so instantly I can read the type of soap, then my eyes are quickly drawn to your bar....which gives me the rest of the "story". In a single moment I know exactly what that bar of soap is!
I like Obsidian's version too . . . it's exactly what I pictured when yellow eyes were mentioned and the black outline really makes it pop