I would think the freezer paper would be enough but you never know. It would be a good experiment to get them off all metal and see if it continues to happen. I use all plastic shelving except for one and I put plastic pet-proof screen material over the metal so the soap wouldn't touch it, but I don't know it that's thick enough. With trays and freezer paper, you won't get the same kind of circulation you would with a material that is perforated so air can flow along the bottom.
It does seem that if one soap gets DOS, it seems to affect soaps nearby. Everyone always recommends getting any DOS soap out of there as quickly as possible.
There have been experiments that show that if you cover the bars after the first 4 weeks of cure (one was done with muslin bags), they are far less likely to develop DOS that if they are left out. Because of that experiment, I now put my soap in a cardboard box that is loosely closed, or in paper or wax sandwich bags after the first 4 weeks. Seems to also preserve the scent. That would be another good experiment- bag some of the bars and leave some of the bars out. Watch over time to see if some develop DOS and other don't.
VERY FRUSTRATING!!! but at least you can use DOS bars yourself if they don't smell bad.