Well-Known Member
For me it was and still is that mixing water, lye and oil makes lather! Don't know why or where I thought the lather came from?!
What amazed me then, and amazes me to this day, is just how good handmade soap really is. I don't think any of us started out making soap because we didn't like the way our soap looked. We probably started because we used a bar of good, handmade soap, and thought to ourselves......OMG, what was that stuff I've been using all my life? Now this is soap! Sometimes we get caught up in making our soap look pretty, but in truth, I would imagine the majority of us make soap because we're still amazed at how unbelievably good it is!
What amazed me then, and amazes me to this day, is just how good handmade soap really is.
......and I even wore safety goggles, LOL.
Hello! Same here xraygrl - I was also amazed that I could make this stuff. Here is another surprise for me: after I got used to using the SoapCalc website to compose a recipe and seeing what the potential qualities of each recipe of different oils and fats could be I did a few test batches and was amazed at how even slight differences in percentages of certain oils can change the quality of the soap. Even changing a different oil or fat can make a totally different soap. I am still amazed by this. I don't have a clue what the number of all possible different combinations of oils and fats and all the different percentages is - totally astronomical. But it's OK. I already have the perfect combination. :-DI was amazed at the process....mixing, molding, gelling. Unmolding and cutting....I was amazed that I could make soap! It was so hard waiting weeks to try it, but once I did, I never looked back. No more commercial soap for me...ever. I am going to have to teach my kids how to make soap so that if I ever get too old, they can still make it for me. :-D
IAfter I cut it into bars and set the to cure I grabbed 1 bar and set it next to me on a napkin on the end table.
I would keep glancing at it and picking it up and smelling of it, I couldn't believe I made it.