When you were just starting out what amazed you the most?

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Well I did a lot of research before making soap so I was fairly confident that I could make it. What amazed me was that everywhere I looked to find out when my soap was done people where telling me essentially to lick my soap!!! The first time I read that I thought it was a joke. :crazy: who in the world would want to lick soap - and then telling me if I get zapped... Wait! What? If I get zapped?!! Lol now it is the most normal thing for me. In the beginning I thought the soap makers of the world were having a great laugh at the expense of the newbie!:wink:
I was just amazed that I can do this... I thought the crafting gene had skipped me as nothing I tried out ever worked out. "%$!@ you, Martha Stewart" was heard at my house whenever I unsuccessfully attempted something. Now I can make something that I love. My sister-in-law was shocked that she actually didn't have to politely tell me something I made was "nice".

Every time I make soap.... it makes me feel somehow connected to my Mom who had her own crafting business before she died. I really have the folks at this forum to thank for giving that to me. Thank you!
Initially, I started out making lard soap because I wanted to make the soap for laundry purposes. I was so totally amazed that I could actually do it, and have a product that would work! Of course, I could not stop there and ended up making all the soaps that are used within the household, including dish soap, diswasher liquid, shower gels, liquid shampoos, and of course bath soap. I am still amazed that I can make a quality product that is good for all of us.
The entire process was fascinating and but scary. I researched so much, in the amount of epic proportions according to my husband. So for me it was when I got to test that first batch and how it lathered and bubbled and felt absolutely wonderful on my skin. Just like the ones I have purchased for years. Along with all the accolades from my family.
The soap process didn't amaze me - maybe because I've done so much baking/cooking since I was young.

I've wanted to make soap since I was a kid and everybody I dared tell was horrified because its such a dangerous thing...entire pots melt, kitchens explode and soap catches fire! Truth is, no one really knew. They were just suffering foggy memories of grandparents....who shooed kids away from boiling kettles of soap cooking over a wood fire behind the chicken coop! Kind of like the "you'll poke your eye out!" syndrome.

So I guess the most amazing thing for me is that it's really no more dangerous than cooking a homemade meal. (Know how to prevent problems, know how to deal with them).
What amazes me is all of the above.

Lye + Water + oils = soap that does not make me itch and is luxurious and smells wonderful! I can't even stand the smell of commercial soap anymore, much less the thought of using it and itching all the time.

My son(21 yrs old) has made 5 batches of soap, and each time he is amazed when he puts water in the dishes and bubbles appear. I am not amazed any more at that, but I get an incredible sense of a job well done.


When I made my first batch I was in full hazmat gear and shaking in my boots..and of course everyone in the family had to show up..I was a mess. Now its all second nature to me like I've been doing it my whole life, and it still amazes me that I can actually do this and its something so wonderful. I'll NEVER use commercial soaps again and I can rest assured if 'SHTF', I will be one of the cleanest homeless ppl around hehehehe
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I guess I'm still too much of a newbie because everything still amazes me.
* The wonderful soap simple ingredients can make - and the fact that I can do it.
* The people I have met and love soaping as much or more than I do
* How much mess I can make in less than an hour
* How much I enjoy learning new things about soaping every day
What amazed me was that everywhere I looked to find out when my soap was done people where telling me essentially to lick my soap!!!

That amazed me too, but unlike you I'm not lickin' no soap! When I was a kid, that was punishment.

What really amazed me the most was the million possible combinations of different oils, superfat levels, additives, etc. Now, I'm amazed at how far off my original estimation was. The number of possible recipes is actually in the many billions. I doubt I'll ever make two batches exactly the same.