What soapy thing have you done today?

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To make room in my freezer, I rendered the last of the local leaf fat into 1.5 gallons of pretty white lard. Let it cool, added the ROE and put it to bed in the garage fridge.

Since the last time I checked (which was last week), the price for a 48lb bucket of lard at my local restaurant supply store has jumped from $52 to $64. That's still cheaper than I can get it with shipping from other soap supply or restaurant supply stores. I'm probably going to switch to using this since life has gotten too busy for regular rendering projects. Fortunately this store is less than 5 miles from my house and is open to the general public with no membership fee.
I just looked online at a local Gordon’s…
is this lard I could use for soap? Never thought to look at restaurant supply stores!
It's good to know that RBO traces faster for you. I find sweet almond and olive oil to be about the same in my recipe. I will post pics tomorrow, but it's nothing fancy this time. :)

Well, it's been more than tomorrow, but here is the picture of the Apricot soap. The color is ahem... Bolder than planned. 😂

I tried the same recipe with RBO again yesterday, and it traced SO fast I almost couldn't stir and FO in. I'm thinking it's either my RBO, or maybe the new cocoa butter I am using. I planned a nice swirl, but instead I got a spoon plop, (or maybe a spatula smash?) type design instead. Not what I expected, but it works well with the masculine FO I used.
I unmolded and cut my 'confetti' soap and it's looking pretty decent. I made some soap balls quite awhile back that I put inside and on top. I've never put anything on top of soap before so I did calculated spacing accurately but that's ok.

On a side note, because I was having issues with soft soap, I decided to add some lye crystals to my water/lye solution. So far so good... the soap is solid and not soft and no zap. Not sure if the confetti had anything to with it but at least it didn't turn out lye heavy which is a win!
I just filled my four indigo variants from their unsightly zip-lock bags into tiny plastic bottles, and quickly drew some tiny flags on the lids to distinguish them on the first glance.

Indigo users: Does your Indigofera indigo also stink disgustingly? Woad smells faint, a bit like algae, dyer's knotweed has no smell at all, but the two proper indigo varieties really stink badly, like rotting dog excrement. At least the usage rates are very low, so it won't be noticeable in the final soap.

ETA: Hrm, it just came to my mind that the indigo dye molecule is a descendant from indican, itself a close chemical relative to skatole and indole which are main odourants of, indeed, faeces.
Calendula is growing in the garden, so it was picked and now i have started an infusion for Merry Marigold soap
I was this old when I learned... Calendula is Marigolds! I've been researching the bennifits of Calendula and how to use it.... how did this not come up? Plus it is part of the Daisy family... 😁
Made a batch of soap using Karma (a Lush dupe) from Flaming Candle. Oh wow. No wonder my friend asked me to make soap using this FO.

Also tested a few FOs from EBB. Already, I’m smitten with their Honey Patchouli. Testing their Sweet Pumpkin as well.

I was this old when I learned... Calendula is Marigolds! I've been researching the bennifits of Calendula and how to use it.... how did this not come up? Plus it is part of the Daisy family... 😁
Get out! Seems I was also this old when I learnt these things. Going to plant me some marigolds this weekend!

We planted citronella plants this weekend. Turns out we should have planted citronella grass to deter mosquitos and for future me to infuse. No biggie, though. It still smells fantastic.
I bought these great mini milk crates at Dollar Tree (USA). They're stackable, so I labeled, dated, and stacked all my soap, then reorganized the rest of my supplies. Now I can't wait to make soap again, because I found all these cool supplies I forgot I had, but can't tomorrow. Rats.
I was this old when I learned... Calendula is Marigolds! I've been researching the bennifits of Calendula and how to use it.... how did this not come up? Plus it is part of the Daisy family...
Get out! Seems I was also this old when I learnt these things. Going to plant me some marigolds this weekend!
Calendula (pot marigold) and the common annual marigolds aren't really the same thing. Both are available at the greenhouse where I bought my calendula plant. Just be sure you are getting what you want.
Calendula (pot marigold) and the common annual marigolds aren't really the same thing. Both are available at the greenhouse where I bought my calendula plant. Just be sure you are getting what you want.
My mother told me once she hated what she called "Gold Flowers" (translated from Frisian) because she considered them nothing more than weeds. It wasn't until much later that I realized they were Calendula, a very beneficial botanical.

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