Tried making a soap to use up some of the embeds of the over-scented soap. Fail fail fail. I did a partial swap of water for a mixture of oatmilk, milk powder, and honey. I SHOULD have put the SL and citric acid in with that...but I didn't and not everything wanted to dissolve in the lye water, even adding extra... And that put me at my water limit (as I had already added my oatmilk mixture to the oils, along with the oats used to make the oatmilk on a whim). I went ahead and soaped anyways, straining out the undissolved bits of the lyewater, and it took forever to get to a heavy enough trace to support the embeds, but not really surprising considering how much water had to be in it. I poured the soap into my PVC mold and went to tap out the bubbles... and the pipe came out of the base, spilling batter EVERYWHERE.

Cue frantic efforts to clean up before my cat came looking for me. I even got batter on my arms between my sleeves and gloves, but couldn't rinse them off immediately because of clean-up efforts.
I lost maybe a 1/3 to 1/2 of the batter to clean up, and so now I have no clue if it's safe or not or anything...

And this was not my night because I've been having drama with Dad over cleaning up common areas and my soaping has been a bit of a point of contention, because parts of it inherently get left in common areas for a day or more (the soap in the mold, the soapy dishes that get cleaned up once they're saponified...)