What soapy thing have you done today?

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I was curious, so I checked it out. They sell this at Neiman Marcus! There’s not a single solitary thing that any of us couldn’t do, so it better smell really really good! I did notice there wasn’t an ingredients list. They mentioned the red algae and shea butter and some mysterious botanicals. Also their very special rope. 🙄 I don’t know, I’m a skeptic. There’s a Neiman Marcus within driving distance. I may go down there just to sniff it. 😂
Exactly! I couldn't find a complete ingredients list either ~ so I would love to hear about your experience if go sniffing around at NM! 😄
My soapy thing today was/is working with my children at making two canner loads of applesauce, one load of apple butter, three apple pies, one apple tart and a load of dehydrated apples. Why is that a soapy thing? Because I can't make soap again until those apples are all processed!
I thought you were going to say that it took a LOT of soap to clean up after all that! ;)
My soapy thing today was/is working with my children at making two canner loads of applesauce, one load of apple butter, three apple pies, one apple tart and a load of dehydrated apples. Why is that a soapy thing? Because I can't make soap again until those apples are all processed!
Yep. Same here. I made pies, apple crisps, and apple butter a couple weeks ago then lo and behold.... MORE apples appeared! Round 2 will have to happen at some point soon and soaping is currently on hold. I'm thinking apple sauce is next.
@ackosel and @Servant4Christ can I come to your houses! All that sounds amazing! 😄😍 🥧
Please do! Pull up your sleeves and join us.😁 3 bushels down, 10 to go. I heard a rumor that my sister-in-law ordered another 20-bushel bin to split with us next weekend. Sigh. Oh, what I'd give for a bigger house with a bigger kitchen! Make that TWO kitchens, one for regular cooking and one for soaping/canning. I really need a second stove top. All these big pots and canners are so big I can only have two going at a time (they each cover part of another burner), and that slows us WAY down.
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Please do! Pull up your sleeves and join us.😁 3 bushels down, 10 to go. I heard a rumor that my sister-in-law ordered another 20-bushel bin to split with us next weekend. Sigh. Oh, what I'd give for a bigger house with a bigger kitchen! Make that TWO kitchens, one for regular cooking and one for soaping/canning. I really need a second stove top. All these big pots and canners are so big I can only have two going at a time (they each cover part of another burner), and that slows us WAY down.
Oh, and two dishwashers would be LOVELY!😁
To be honest, I was so under-impressed by the soap page, which was as plain as plain could be (plain white, 5 basic pictures of the soap, and a tiny block at the bottom with the $65 price tag), and a simple description that I didn't even bother to explore any more of the site. I thought wow, what made that so special?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Any one of us could do that , for real! 😄
The people that are selling the soap are part of a Spanish high and designer. That’s why the high price. If you buy Hermes nail polish, you’ll be spending $57. It’s the label that’s selling at that price. It’s not special. It’s just designer!