What soapy thing have you done today?

Soapmaking Forum

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I made my challenge soap! It was definitely a challenge, but I learned so many great lessons I wouldn't have learned otherwise.
I used the opportunity to try a new recipe, too. High lard might not have been the best way to go when looking for a thicker trace. I stickblended for what felt like an eternity!
How was the new stick blender?
Interesting ~ so maybe it's the red algae? I mean, how do you justify a $65 price tag??? My husband saw a bar of soap for $11 and said if people can sell theirs for that much, I should be able to sell mine too! 😄 But $65 ?!?!?
I think the phrase “what the buyer will accept” might be apropos? If the site is cool and it’s been celebrity endorsed or some such nonsense, maybe that justifies the price to some people. And most people don’t know what’s in it, or to it. So it’s worth it. I wouldn’t, sell it for that price. But I also have a question. How big was the bar? There are manufactures that make these huge bars of soap. That can’t possibly hold in one hand. And they cost 50 bucks.