What soapy thing have you done today?

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I was curious, so I checked it out. They sell this at Neiman Marcus! There’s not a single solitary thing that any of us couldn’t do, so it better smell really really good! I did notice there wasn’t an ingredients list. They mentioned the red algae and shea butter and some mysterious botanicals. Also their very special rope. 🙄 I don’t know, I’m a skeptic. There’s a Neiman Marcus within driving distance. I may go down there just to sniff it. 😂
Exactly! I couldn't find a complete ingredients list either ~ so I would love to hear about your experience if go sniffing around at NM! 😄
My soapy thing today was/is working with my children at making two canner loads of applesauce, one load of apple butter, three apple pies, one apple tart and a load of dehydrated apples. Why is that a soapy thing? Because I can't make soap again until those apples are all processed!
I thought you were going to say that it took a LOT of soap to clean up after all that! ;)