What soapy thing have you done today?

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@Shelley D i did see recipes with clay but i wanted a little simpler, which is why i was so frustrated when i couldn’t find the website. My dementia 🙄 cleared the other day and i thought maybe i took a snapshot. Sure enough there it was quite a few pics later. Now it says she was a dentist, and i will take that as it comes, but the recipe looks very interesting. BTW she does have a recipe with clay as well.
I can understand personal preference, however, they have proven that with the clays it is absolutely possible to remineralize your teeth, basically replace worn enamel. Of course, in order to do that, you also have to give up every type of food and/or drink that is damaging to tooth enamel (like tea/coffee, acidic foods and drinks, etc), and you have to follow a strict dental care regimen that will help promote rebuilding the enamel. I can honestly say that I don't fall into that category because I can't give up my tea! Or chocolate, or pasta with red sauce 😁

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So here are my attempts. The one on the right I added some red mica trying to make the soap look more tomatoie. I took a little bit of the soap and washed my hands with it and the suds are pink, but not excessive. There is some salt but not enough to call it assault soap. I kind of like the one on the right.
Assault soap?! 😱 🤣🤣🤣

Any cold-pressed oil is probably fine if it works with your recipe and gives you a texture that you like.

Peppermint and manuka are my go-to EOs. Since clove oil burns my gums even in the tiniest amounts, I use ground clove powder instead. Baking soda is another no-go for me; it makes my teeth sensitive to hot and cold. I haven't tried arrowroot; do you know what benefits it would bring to the party?
I found the powders to be messy, they left specks everywhere 🫤
I actually first read it's a good ingredient for the lotion bars to help cut the tacky greasy feel of certain ingredients. Then it went on to say it can also be used in homemade soaps and oral care product, but I don't remember what specifically it does, other than it's a cleanser. I will have to look it up again 😊
Just cut it yesterday.


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Wait, what…..I see shades of green, brown, and tan. Is this about to be one of those blue/black dress vs.gold/white dress moments? 😂
See ~ I think it was just a matter of sharing a preference for the pink and purple camo ~ it didn't occur to me that people were seeing it differently! 🤣
I see 2 shades of green, a light tan (natural?), a brown, and a black ~ looks like normal camo colors to me!
Just checking in. I've been MIA for a while. I had my basement finished and will have a dedicated craft room. I'll still have to do soap in the kitchen with proper ventilation, but I am soooo glad to have all those workmen out of my house.

Hope all of you are well and soaping!
Such a great feeling. Now you can enjoy your new space. Have fun. :dance:
Just checking in. I've been MIA for a while. I had my basement finished and will have a dedicated craft room. I'll still have to do soap in the kitchen with proper ventilation, but I am soooo glad to have all those workmen out of my house.

Hope all of you are well and soaping!
Glad you are doing well, @ShirleyHailstock! Sounds like you and @Zing are on a similar journey with the basement remodels. Love it!
Just checking in. I've been MIA for a while. I had my basement finished and will have a dedicated craft room. I'll still have to do soap in the kitchen with proper ventilation, but I am soooo glad to have all those workmen out of my house.

Hope all of you are well and soaping!
Ooo! Craft room envy! I can't wait to have a place for all of my crafty stuff ~ where I can work and not bother anyone (my husband) 🥰
You are so sweet... I have a private room so THEY won't bother ME. 😁
That too! Usually he doesn't bother me much, it's my mess that bothers him 🙄 Some of my stuff has to sit out to dry and it might be a few days until I get back to it so he sits there staring at it asking how long until I'm done with it (sigh)
@Blue1969 and @Shelley D if you both wouldn’t mind sharing a recipe i would
Really appreciate it. I have been looking up information and of course i read the reviews and i have been getting discouraged. They all say too abrasive for teeth. And i didn’t know that it would not taste good 🤔. I did see a recipe on a website and it looked promising, but then i couldn’t find it again. I am still looking to find it.
This was 5 parts calcium carbonate powder, 2 parts baking soda, 3 parts xylitol, 5 parts coconut oil, essential oil (I used peppermint) for flavour. Did not taste bad, but the pieces of carbonate got stuck between my teeth!

That too! Usually he doesn't bother me much, it's my mess that bothers him 🙄 Some of my stuff has to sit out to dry and it might be a few days until I get back to it so he sits there staring at it asking how long until I'm done with it (sigh)
I know the feeling!
I finally made dual-lye soap! I've been wanting to do it for so long but was irrationally frightened. I followed the directions of @DeeAnna 's Classic Bells dual-lye directions, and it was so helpful!

I used a new FO (Champagne Pear by Fragrance Buddy), so I kept it simple and did an uncolored, no swirl soap. I think the creamy color goes really well with the FO.
194th batch - Champagne Pear soy wax & cocoa butter.jpg
Usually he doesn't bother me much, it's my mess that bothers him 🙄 Some of my stuff has to sit out to dry and it might be a few days until I get back to it so he sits there staring at it asking how long until I'm done with it (sigh)
I see an SMF spousal support group starting up, @Shelley D. My DH complains long and loud (with justification) that he wants to be able to eat at the kitchen table again. And don’t let him get started on the number of boxes required to be broken down for recycling each week. Or wanting the stove and counter cleared so he can prepare a meal. 😜
I see an SMF spousal support group starting up, @Shelley D. My DH complains long and loud (with justification) that he wants to be able to eat at the kitchen table again. And don’t let him get started on the number of boxes required to be broken down for recycling each week. Or wanting the stove and counter cleared so he can prepare a meal. 😜
Mine agreed to give up the kitchen table just so I could transition to "work-from-home" for my day job but my crafty stuff puts him over the top 😬 (also with justification). I tried to pull him over to dark side by getting him his own set of oil paints, brushes, canvases, a couple easels, sketch pads and pencils ~ all so he could have a creative outlet also, but he's quite hesitant about me seeing that side of him. He says he only did it for himself, no one ever saw his work before ~ but I gently persist 😁