What soapy thing have you done today?

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oh no!!!!:eek: I just wanna post mine and get it over with!!
Marilyn, this is an intervention. Put down the mouse and step away from the computer....

I had (purely by accident) made a butterfly swirl that looked exactly like an owl. It was a shoe-in. I was SO proud and posted the pic like, “later losers.” Then some guy posted back and broke the news to me about the rules. I think that’s when I left the forum in despair.
oh no!!!!:eek: I just wanna post mine and get it over with!!
I unmolded my “tiger stripe” tonight...and yes, I’m with Marilyn...I’m dying to post it—not because it’s particularly “tigery” but because it’s really nice looking soap. That is to say, it wouldn’t win any accolades in the competition but I’m not sure I’ll get around to making anything better before month’s end.
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I have been whining about new bulbs in lights not being as bright as the old ones for months now. Which I knew was part of the whole cataract issue, but it is quite unbelievable how bright everything on my right side it vs how dull and dark everything is on the left. I am so looking forward to having both eyes done and actually being able to drive and even walk safely with no correction for the first time in my life. I will still need readers, but I knew that was going to be the issue.
I’m excited for you!
I did 50-50 and then the rest of the coconut milk in with the oils.
I think you might be misunderstanding the "split method" and you are scorching your milk. I did a coconut milk soap and left part of my batter uncolored for using a lace impression mat and it turned out perfectly white:

Try adding the CM only to your oils. So... here's some made up numbers for example... Recipe calls for 25g lye, and 60g liquid. I would split the liquid amount to 30g water and 30g CM. Combine the water and lye together. Combine the oils and CM together. Then add lye solution to oils and proceed as usual. You can do this with as little or as much CM as you want, as long as you have at least an equal amount of water to lye. (Lye requires an equal amount of water to completely dissolve.) I always use a slightly bit more water than lye amount to make sure my lye is dissolved. (For this soap I used oils: RBO, tallow, CO, Shea, Cocoa and Castor.)
you are scorching your milk.

this is what I am wondering about. what I did was use lye and water at 50-50 and used the rest of my liquid as CM mixed in with my oils. I don't remember at this point what the temp of the oils were when I added the CM--but I think it was around 100. I am wondering if I should have brought the temp down to 90
Probably. I soap at room temp, unless my room temp is chilly then I'll pop my oils in the microwave for 30-60 seconds but that is all the warming that I do.

This weekend I made Watermelon Lemonade soap cupcakes. They're still in the mold. My piping is atrocious, so will continue to practice. I decided not to add poppy seeds in the frosting and just sprinkled them on top instead. Curious to see how my two-toned green cupcake base turned out. I ran short on the white piping so two cupcakes do not have the white on them. Notes taken for the next time I make these.

I also made some mp Dracula teeth for my Halloween soap, and some CP embeds for a couple other soaps. I have to strategically plan when making cp embeds, and I did pretty good this go around, I only had about .7 oz of batter left over!
Probably. I soap at room temp, unless my room temp is chilly then I'll pop my oils in the microwave for 30-60 seconds but that is all the warming that I do.

This weekend I made Watermelon Lemonade soap cupcakes. They're still in the mold. My piping is atrocious, so will continue to practice. I decided not to add poppy seeds in the frosting and just sprinkled them on top instead. Curious to see how my two-toned green cupcake base turned out. I ran short on the white piping so two cupcakes do not have the white on them. Notes taken for the next time I make these.
View attachment 38950

I also made some mp Dracula teeth for my Halloween soap, and some CP embeds for a couple other soaps. I have to strategically plan when making cp embeds, and I did pretty good this go around, I only had about .7 oz of batter left over!

very pretty--love the lemons!!! I ordered a scent called bite me (there is a joke between friends in there and I had to get it) it smells like fruit punch--still need to figure out how I am going to use it
@Marilyn Norgart I have NG's Bite Me, reminds me of Cherry Limeade. I'm using it for my Halloween soap with the Dracula teeth embeds... I thought it was funny, lol. I'll be making that one in about 3 weeks or so, I'll share when I get it made.
made two soaps so far and have my third ready to go when I come back from the post office. made my first salt bar today (thank you for the advice Terri). once the third soap is done I am going to plant my flowers and make a trellis--- YAHOO--will probably need to cover them at night but they will be in their new homes and out of mine :) . I felt so low energy yesterday, its amazing what a difference a day makes
I did 18 batches since last Thursday, cut the last 6 this morning

I also did Bite Me, I think it smells like Cherry soda, but have not thought of a better name so Cherry Soda it is ;)
I did 18 batches since last Thursday, cut the last 6 this morning

I also did Bite Me, I think it smells like Cherry soda, but have not thought of a better name so Cherry Soda it is ;)
It is very cherry, but I think it smells more like Hawaiian Punch than soda. At least to my nose it does. It's the scent I made my challenge cupcake soaps in.
The scent sticks. I have a bar in my shower that I made (I don't even know how many years ago 6-7 maybe?) and there is still a faint scent to it while lathering up.
Well I cut My 3rd attempt at HP Tiger Stripe and while its not as perfect as I was hoping, Im going to enter it anyway. The colors turned out vibrant and I like the way it looks so even if the pattern is not perfect, its still a pretty soap. Now waiting for the end of the month lol
I, too, have just cut my tiger stripe soap for the challenge. For a change, I decided to use 30% lye concentration (I usually use 28%). I found that it made no difference to the fluidity of the soap, but, boy, did it make a huge (positive) difference to the finished product! MUCH easier to get out of the mould, quicker to set up, and easier to handle generally. I did have to apply a bit of heat to my knife though to get it to cut through - it was generally a much firmer soap than I'm used to.
I, too, have just cut my tiger stripe soap for the challenge. For a change, I decided to use 30% lye concentration (I usually use 28%). I found that it made no difference to the fluidity of the soap, but, boy, did it make a huge (positive) difference to the finished product! MUCH easier to get out of the mould, quicker to set up, and easier to handle generally. I did have to apply a bit of heat to my knife though to get it to cut through - it was generally a much firmer soap than I'm used to.
I did the opposit and used a higher fluid percentage. I did have to leave it in the mold a little bit longer then normal . Can't wait to see how yours turned out at the end of the month
It is very cherry, but I think it smells more like Hawaiian Punch than soda. At least to my nose it does. It's the scent I made my challenge cupcake soaps in.
The scent sticks. I have a bar in my shower that I made (I don't even know how many years ago 6-7 maybe?) and there is still a faint scent to it while lathering up.

I am wishing I had used a bit less of the FO now ;) Nice but strong. Will have to make a note on it for next time

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