What soapy thing have you done today?

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I started reading that thread, and got a little confused. Maybe now that I have a few batches of CP soap under my belt, I will look again. Cheers!

Do read it again... with pen and paper at hand. Make notes. Write down your questions. I've read that entire thread at least three (maybe even 4 or 5) times now. I made my first shave soap about a year and a half ago (my husband is now using the last of that test batch) and have been making sample batches of various kinds over the past few weeks just to see what we (me, my husband, my testers) like best.
Walked by the tote of dirty dishes in the kitchen. They bared their teeth at me so I threw a towel over them. Printed off labels, and packaged soap (not much, just 14 bars). Poked at a few experiments in the lab, they also bared teeth at me so I turned off the light and wandered off to watch TV with daughter.
@amd you must have some very life like crockery if its growling at you mine just ignores me or do i ignore it?

I tackled some of the dishes over lunch break. I had the cat sitting on the counter to come to my defense if needed. My dishes get quite angry with me if neglected for too long :D
Not guilty. Did you use the recipe i sent you?

@amd you must have some very life like crockery if its growling at you mine just ignores me or do i ignore it?
LOL.. And no, not yet. My beeswax is due to arrive any time now and I'm waiting for that hehe but I did go n get this coconut milk as replacement for goat milk :)
Steffamarie that shave soap looks amazing. Did you use hot or cold process? Both kinds of lye? I haven’t done hot process yet but it seems like the really good lather soaps are all hp and use both lyes.

It’s 100% KOH and hot process because it’s 40% stearic acid. CP would seize at that percentage!! It was my first time using both the KOH and HP but it went very smoothly. The stearic makes a very dense lather.
It’s 100% KOH and hot process because it’s 40% stearic acid. CP would seize at that percentage!! It was my first time using both the KOH and HP but it went very smoothly. The stearic makes a very dense lather.
Thanks! Hubby wants me to make him some so I guess I’m going to need to learn hot process.

I unmolded some bastille bars. Made a small batch to see what they are like. I didn’t color them.

70 evoo
20 coconut
5 palm
5 castor

Added sugar, salt, and sl to lye water and tried a 1.5:1 lye water concentration. I wanted to see how they came out colorwise because my evoo is pretty dark. They turned out a lot lighter than I thought and make a pretty butter yellow. I’m planning to wait 3 months before trying.
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Had my teenage son help me mold some basic HP soap...

I think he was worried about overdoing the thump-on-the-floor-mat thing I do to get rid of air and pack it down.. So he didn't do it enough.
No biggie. His mama likes it and thought he did a good job all things considering, and he likes all the bubbles when we tested some pieces that broke off.
Had my teenage son help me mold some basic HP soap...

I think he was worried about overdoing the thump-on-the-floor-mat thing I do to get rid of air and pack it down.. So he didn't do it enough.
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No biggie. His mama likes it and thought he did a good job all things considering, and he likes all the bubbles when we tested some pieces that broke off.
You did good! Dont worry about smacking it just dont raise it up too high before you smack it down.
Me, I do a lot of jiggling and smacking before I'm satisfied lol

it really doesnt sound like your still talking about soap right now :rolleyes:

I looked through the forum this morning to make a solid record of when i made my last 3-4 batches because i forgot to make a note on the days
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