What soapy thing have you done today?

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Sent you a pm. How do you package and sell your Bubble scoops? I want to start selling some but undecided how to package and label. I have shrink wrapped each scoop but that is as far as I have gone

I tried to keep it simple and easy. My scoops aren't labeled individually (I'll explain why later) but the ones I sell as a set are. My 6pc set is packaged in a round paper sundae cup, with a sticker label on the side of the cup and then shrink wrapped, so the label has the total weight of all the scoops on it in addition to the ingredients, directions for use, and my contact information. My 3pc set is in a little foldable box, so it is labeled the same way. For the individual scoops, I don't label each scoop individually. When people buy them, I put them into a decorative paper envelope, fold the flap over and secure it with the sticker label. The only problem I have with this is that I put the weight of one bubble scoop on the label, but sometimes people will buy 3 or 4 that all go in the same bag. I'm looking for the workaround on that, but in the meantime, I at least have something to give them. I picked up the bags at Aliexpress for a penny each. They look kind of like this (but these aren't the ones that I have and I can't access the site through the firewall at work).

When I started selling scoops, I had a little card printed on cardstock that I stuck in the bag when they bought them. Customers said they kept losing the card. The label on the bag works well, because it stays with their scoops until they use it.

This year, I'm picking up some of the clear 2pc plastic ornaments and putting together sets like that for gifting, so I'll make a cute tag to tie on the ornament. Display should be easy enough with a mini Christmas tree :)
I got my impulse sealer yesterday so I think I may have to set up a shrink-wrapping station and get some of these soaps wrapped up so I have more room on my curing shelves!! It's currently totally full so if I want to get any soaping done this weekend, I'm gonna have to put some up.

I am weak and bought 3 or 4 new FOs from NG which will be here tomorrow. All this for some pink salt....thank goodness I have this support group for my addiction ;)
We are here for ya ! Now if I can get the clientel to support my addiction to sell it
I tried to keep it simple and easy. My scoops aren't labeled individually (I'll explain why later) but the ones I sell as a set are. My 6pc set is packaged in a round paper sundae cup, with a sticker label on the side of the cup and then shrink wrapped, so the label has the total weight of all the scoops on it in addition to the ingredients, directions for use, and my contact information. My 3pc set is in a little foldable box, so it is labeled the same way. For the individual scoops, I don't label each scoop individually. When people buy them, I put them into a decorative paper envelope, fold the flap over and secure it with the sticker label. The only problem I have with this is that I put the weight of one bubble scoop on the label, but sometimes people will buy 3 or 4 that all go in the same bag. I'm looking for the workaround on that, but in the meantime, I at least have something to give them. I picked up the bags at Aliexpress for a penny each. They look kind of like this (but these aren't the ones that I have and I can't access the site through the firewall at work).

When I started selling scoops, I had a little card printed on cardstock that I stuck in the bag when they bought them. Customers said they kept losing the card. The label on the bag works well, because it stays with their scoops until they use it.

This year, I'm picking up some of the clear 2pc plastic ornaments and putting together sets like that for gifting, so I'll make a cute tag to tie on the ornament. Display should be easy enough with a mini Christmas tree :)
When I sell mine, I put them in a similar, but undecorated, glassine bag and put at label on each bag. The label has the ingredients and the instruction for use, plus the weight of each scoop (Net wt. 35 g per scoop). I love the idea of the 2pc plastic ornaments; I may have to steal your idea. I already have a mini Christmas tree that my daughter gave me a couple of years ago.
Made a quick soap to finish the crisco i still had and to test a peach fragrance and a new small mold i got.

The mold is quite small and can only fit 600 grams of oils plus the water and lye. It is cute but is smaller than my now normal batches and will make smaller bars obviously.

The FO did not behave as expected and acelerated quite a bit. As soon as i noticed it was gonna do it i poured it in to the mold and the last bits ended up like chunks but i had separeted a bit of the batter and colored it white with no FO to hopefully make a swirl. Well, swirls did not happen but the white covered all the mess and it might look okay.

Bummer the pech fragrance is quite faint and doesnt really smell like peach, too bad because is the second peach FO i get that doesnt smell the way i want to. Its an okay fragrance but not what i wanted.

Lets see how it does tomorrow.

@SeattleMartin i like the “no swirl”, it kinda looks like marble.
For the first time in days, I finally feel well enough to make soap. I've just put a batch of Double Chocolate soap (scented with Chocolate Fudge FO and Peppermint EO) to bed. Next up will be an Activated Charcoal soap, I think. I've had several requests for an AC soap.
I am soooooo excited! I went to the local vineyard for a wine tasting and asked to try something that was fragrant since I was considering make soap with it. The owners ears perked up and she said "You make soap?" I was then invited to be the only soap vendor at a show they are doing in November!!
You better get to making it then Nov is just around the corner !
I tried to make a soapy thing but I made stupid mistake instead..by miscalculating. In the dumper. Luckily I don't do that too often. Still...I hate waste.
I tried to keep it simple and easy. My scoops aren't labeled individually (I'll explain why later) but the ones I sell as a set are. My 6pc set is packaged in a round paper sundae cup, with a sticker label on the side of the cup and then shrink wrapped, so the label has the total weight of all the scoops on it in addition to the ingredients, directions for use, and my contact information. My 3pc set is in a little foldable box, so it is labeled the same way. For the individual scoops, I don't label each scoop individually. When people buy them, I put them into a decorative paper envelope, fold the flap over and secure it with the sticker label. The only problem I have with this is that I put the weight of one bubble scoop on the label, but sometimes people will buy 3 or 4 that all go in the same bag. I'm looking for the workaround on that, but in the meantime, I at least have something to give them. I picked up the bags at Aliexpress for a penny each. They look kind of like this (but these aren't the ones that I have and I can't access the site through the firewall at work). View attachment 32348

When I started selling scoops, I had a little card printed on cardstock that I stuck in the bag when they bought them. Customers said they kept losing the card. The label on the bag works well, because it stays with their scoops until they use it.

This year, I'm picking up some of the clear 2pc plastic ornaments and putting together sets like that for gifting, so I'll make a cute tag to tie on the ornament. Display should be easy enough with a mini Christmas tree :)
We used to fill those ornaments with foaming bath salts. Thankyou for all the info
Doing some soap dishes this morning, and I'll probably make a batch of salt bars this afternoon with the Himalayan pink salt that I got this week! The question is, what fragrance should I use??? NG Nectarine & Mint, NG Icy Shine, or WSP Night Blooming Jasmine...I welcome your input!!
Made a batch of bubble scoops this morning, now I have dishes to do. After that, I will be going to work, not to work but to print labels. Then, I have soaps, bath bombs, bubble bombs, and bath melts to shrink wrap and label. IF I have time and feel up to it, I may make a batch of soap later today. That's a big if.
And here are my pink salt bars!! Nectarine & Mint...even though I went a little overboard decorating them [emoji23] They look like little birthday cupcakes but they don’t smell like it. I may be a little obsessed with salt bars!!!View attachment 32417View attachment 32418
Your salt bars are beautiful but I just have to ask if that is pink himalayan salt? It is a very scratchy salt in soap and those crystals on top can lacerate the skin. Sorry, here I go again. It is just a suggestion, fine, x fine and powdered salt make great salt bars. Pink salt nope. I mentioned the powdered salt not because I have used it, but I just tested a bar a great member here sent me to try. It is wonderful!! I normally use table salt mixed with Pacific Sea Salt.