What soapy thing have you done today?

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I cut the loaf I made last week. I help teach soapmaking at my friend's sospery. This is Blueberry Lemon Verbena scented (from Elements Bath & Body) , it behaved quite well.
Just moved and organised my soaps that are curing. Moved them from a little shed like storage room which can get kinda cold and given we are fast moving into winter time and it's unheated in there and moved them into my living room onto an old set of shelves that werent being used and it's just an amazingly smelly bonus that my living room smells better than ever with them in here. Also got a few clays and new fragrance oils since last posting in here ready to make some coffee soap and few others too.


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@Terri E Pretty !

I did 7 batches, 2 Gemlit FO's killed me. Sandalwood accelerated to what I thought was going to be a holy space of crap, but once cut it was not too bad. just a few holes on the sides...the one with the bigger hole is mine ;) Top is not the greatest but Meh.
Mac Apple I mixed .60 oz into a NG FO and WHAM ! Riced and sped up. SB the crap out of it to smoothness and crushed it in the mold. Won't cut that till late tonight or tomorrow
Done with the Gemlit FO's, as clearly they are only going for candles so I better learn that :rolleyes:

An old FO from Bubbles N' lights accelerated too but I think it got in the mold ok. It's my FAV scent and the last bit I have, BCN doesn't carry it anymore either :(

My Cedarwood FO took forever to thicken . Why can't this happen when I WANT to do swirls and not a solid let it Discolor FO :mad:

I didn't think I would cut these but I think they may be a bit harder in the morning. I'm too tired to move them to the rack so they will sit on the desk till tomorrow.
The one that is brown on the outer parts and cream inside is a Hazelnut ... Way cool how it will darken later but now has the darker outer edge.
I made a bunch of soap today, Finally. I was panicking a little because craft fairs are coming up and my soaps were running low. I usually buy my lye locally but they were all out. Ahhhhhh. They told me a week so I waited, well that turned into its backordered, double ahhhhhh. So I ordered from one of my suppliers then called surrounding cities until I found some. Sigh. So today was an awesome soap day.
I made yuzu scented soap tonight and I gotta say I am pretty disappointed with the nurture soap vibrance collection. To me when you say vibrance it means that the colors are vibrant. I wanted yellow white and Orange and I had to use so much of the Orange I almost used the entire 5 g plus I had to add mango Tango to a small batch of soap.
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My local hardware store is completely out of lye !!!! Maybe just as well as I'm procrastinating about soap size & shape. If it was up to me I would make loaves but a few of my clients (I only have a few as I haven't been soaping that long) love the smaller silicone shapes I have (makes 6)..... its a good learning curve but all I want to do is make soap! Lots of it :)
I have 7 batches to do.
Worst part is trying to figure out what color to make them :mad: I have the hardest time with that.

@Lin19687 When I'm running short on inspiration, I will go to the FO supplier website and look at what they use for a pic for the FO and use colors similar. I've made some soaps that I would never have tried those color combinations with, and they were lovely.

Not much done in the soapy lab this weekend. I made the cupcake toppers using the poop emoji mold. They turned out cute! Now to get the bases made and set the top on them. I packaged soaps and worked on the website. Fielded a couple of phone calls from my last show, customers wondering when I was going to be back in the area. Unfortunately I won't be until June (earliest planned show), but might do a show in January/February there depending on how stock is after Christmas and taking some time off from stocking soap. I'm still on the fence about that show though, just really tired of shows at this point. Anyways, I suggested they check out my website in the meantime.

This week will be sending out the custom orders that were packaged over the weekend, hopefully doing the last of the brewery order (if their beer is ready), starting a new order for another brewery, finishing up beer soaps for my own stock, and making the soap for November's club. I went to a baby shower on Saturday and got into a group discussion about syndet shampoo bars, so now I'm feeling itchy to get that project started. The supplies I ordered on Friday cannot get here soon enough! I was pleasantly surprised to get an email from LotionCrafter that they saved me money on shipping and were refunding half of the shipping that I paid.