So far sugars are on a restricted diet, not yet eliminated ~ and today I had a few of those sugar wafer things that are light and airy and thought no problem because no dairy (although I didn't read the ingredients list yet), but after eating them I got that funky bit of throaty congestion that makes me feel like I want to cough up phlegm

so something is them that doesn't agree with me ~ I will research that tomorrow.
It will be interesting to see how far it goes though because I know I have scent triggers that cause migraines and I do have contact allergies also so I want all the answers now

I've waited far too long at this point! It's kinda "need to know" mixed with my own curiosity but I will get to the bottom of it! Eventually!

Mine came back with eggs listed twice but the second part was some weird word that sounded gross (like mucous. . . something) and my doctor said that part meant specifically the egg whites ~ I guess no egg white omelettes for me!

But I can't say I've noticed any issue with eggs and I eat them just about every way you can cook them, including hardboiled (as a snack). We'll see what happens when I start re-introducing them into my diet I guess.