What soapy thing have you done today?

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And here's the goats milk cold process soap, awaiting to harden up a bit:

Ditto what Misschief said. Even coated metal racks can become problematic because over time the coating can deteorate and expose the soap to metal (I've had it happen to me and cause Dreaded Orange Spots (DOS). I suggest removing from metal racks ASAP and buy some plastic crafter's mesh (needlepoint mesh) to place your soaps on top of for lift and additional air flow. Or something similar. But not metal.
I cut the peach poppy buttermilk soap last night. A huge HUGE difference between the failed batch and this successful batch! In the photo, the failed batch is on the left, the successful batch is on the right. I have no guilt issues about tossing the failed batch in the garbage (the failed bar in the photo was the only bar I kept for comparison purposes, and it went into the bin immediately after taking the picture). The new soap brings me so much joy :D

Last night I also worked on my wholesale proposal for the brewery. I meet with them on Saturday. Nerves have already kicked in. I've been watching The Soap Gal on YouTube, and she had a video on using SM3. It wasn't a great video, although she has some good ideas about keeping track of price comparisons, so I played with that a bit. Oh my goodness! Did that ever make it easier to see the price differences for ordering different quantities of oils/FO's/etc! Anyways, the brewery had some suggestions for fragrances for me yesterday, so I was able to start researching suppliers and costing. So grateful for the SMF FO review sheet!

I masterbatched my lye last night, so no soapmaking. Although I did start making the m&p embeds for a custom order. Unmolded them this morning, but I'm not happy. I left the base white and am going to hand paint the details on each embed... but I think the white is too stark, so now I think I have to find someway to color the m&p more of a cream color. I have some brown oxide, so I'm wondering if a super tiny smidge of that will do the trick. I'll be playing with that tonight, making some beer soaps, and packaging some soaps to put into stock.


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@amd that looks beautiful!! I wish I could get such straight layers. I'm too impatient lol

Someone needs to control me. I've just made another order from WSP with a bunch of new FOs and some hydrosols because I'm obsessed with flowers. All I needed was castor oil...
@steffamarie thank you! I do my layer soaps as separate batches so that each layer has time to setup while I'm mixing the next layer. It works really well with florals or other accelerating FO's. I tried the "pouring over the spatula" trick, but I am not coordinated enough!
I prepped four batches of oil. I’ve been using the empty B.B. pouches and measuring a batch into each one. I hate measuring out oils and this makes it easy to grab one and go and I get the mess done all at once. I tried batching but then I have to wrestle with the bucket and I invariably make a mess. @steffamarie, I did the same thing the other day and totally forgot to order what I needed in the first place!
Taking the rest of pics and Updating the Website with the scents I don't' have on there.
Then I need to bevel and wrap soaps that are coming off the cure rack for the fair.

Tonight I am meeting a woman that bought samples at my FM. She lives 8 minutes away. Wants 3 soaps (all Dragons blood for her DH ) and would like to pick others for her self.
Worth having the FB site as that is how she got a hold of me, NOT through the email on my website :confused:
That's how most locals get ahold of me as well, through FB.

Last night I unmolded the m&p leg lamps embeds. Started handpainting them. I will have to make some more legs because it is taking me a bit to get the hang of what should be painted and a good technique to do it. It's been a good challenge, a bit outside my box, but I am enjoying it. I did not make soap as I was busy playing with the leg lamps. I should have worked on my wholesale pitch, but we decided to go out to dinner and the restaurant was slow getting us served.

Tonight will be packaging the soaps that are in my way, video editing, and photographing my challenge entry. I've been procrastinating on getting my entry in, I'm kind of embarrassed about the soap. It does smell lovely though. Of course, I will need to work on the wholesale pitch tonight too. I need to get the prices set for the different options they wanted (I think they have called me every day with new ideas, which is maybe good because that means they are excited?), get an order form setup, and get the net terms setup. Oh, and get over my nerves.
I just realized yesterday that some soaps I had brought with me to package and mail to some family members, I ended up giving to my son in California because I forgot some was supposed to be mailed elsewhere. I guess the stress of my car got to me more than I realized. So now that my back is so much improved (the sciatica is mostly a leftover ache now), I will need to pick out some new soaps to send to others. Plus I have to check the USPS receipt and make sure of who I did mail soap. I think I mailed 4 packages when I meant to mail at least 6 or 7. I wondered why I had picked up so many mailers that day.

AMD, that sounds very interesting. As in 'You'll shoot your eye out' - those leg lamps? Such a classic movie, A Christmas Story.
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Finally worked all day (mostly) to get 8 batches of soap (128 bars) rubbed, beveled, wrapped and packed up for the fair.
Now to just get all the lilttle things in the bag for the show too.
Cash check, Square Check, sign check.... I do have to go out and get new little price signs.
Made some Tobacco Vanille soap for my boyfriend (and, by extension, me...it smells so good) and did some soap dishes. I measured oils for soaping tomorrow. I can’t decide what FO though!! I’m thinking 8th and Ocean from Nurture.

Anyway, here’s Tobacco Vanille.
View attachment 31684View attachment 31685

8th & Ocean is my favorite!! I especially love it in wax melts and I even wear it as rollerball perfume! Mmmmmm
Nothing soapy but made 45 sugar scrubs, I have two large orders to fill and a two day show this weekend. Made and printed and applied my labels, just have to shrink band them with their spoons attached. Need to finish getting everything together for the weekend show. I'm more organized than I've been in awhile... Have to drop off a large order on my way up to my show tomorrow.
@lrpolillo super cute!

last night I discussed wholesale with one of my soaper friends. She's done wholesale before so had lots of advice to give. Worked on prices - now to get it all down in one sheet instead of in my notebook, SM3 and a pdf. Packaged soaps. Sold some more soap (yay!). Made one of the beer soaps that was on my list for Christmas stock. First time using this particular FO - oh my goodness it played nice! I'll get that soap cut tonight, really excited to see how the inside turned out. It smells fabulous! Of course, this was the one time I decided not to make a video. Worked on leg lamps some more. I'm getting the hang of it, I think. They're still not going to be awesome on their own, but I think they'll look nice on the top of soap. This pic is one of the first ones I did. Now that I'm getting better at it, I'm going to pour a few more to replace the not-so-great first tries.


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Went to set up my stuff at the Fair. Left the soaps in the boxes and will put them out in the morning.

Off to bring little things I might have forgotten.