What soapy thing have you done today?

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Made Sandalwood soap last night. Cut the lilac citrus soap. Oldest son came in to visit and scout for a new soap for his shower because I STILL haven't made a new batch of DB. He thought the lilac citrus smelled "revolting" hahaha, I don't think I'll mention that to my customer (or maybe I will, she'll think it's funny). I packaged up some soap, tinkered with a new label idea (again! ugh. Why can't I just pick one label and stick with it??). Tonight will be night off from soapmaking due to church meeting. Thursday I will probably attack the peach poppy soap.
Ive changed my logo twice. Totally get it.
Or... hopefully, yay...??

I have been wanting to make liquid soap for ages, but no one carried KOH here, and it is impossible to purchase it anywhere here in Norway or get it shipped to me.
Untill yeasterday.

Suddenly after googling KOH for the umpthteen time, I found a source in Germany that sells KOH, and I purchased 1000 grams. It is this shop: https://www.laborladen.de/Kaliumhydroxid-Aetzkali-KOH-techn

Then today I slapped my forhead, I totally forgot to write them and ask the purity of it before hitting that buy-button:beatinghead:

Yeah, that`s just...

I have sent them an email, so I`ll just wait. Either way, it is on its way to me.
Now the waiting game begins...
It has been a wonderful soap day. A batch is festering in the oven as I speak. Black and TD with Black Canyon FO from Peak. Love that stuff!
My new scale hasn't arrived yet (KD7000 - Thanks for the rec!) so I risked all and used the moody Escali. It seemed ok today.
Also printed out all of the soapcalc info for batches made in this latest soaping frenzy. The previous one had no organized filing method so it was impossible to duplicate a WOW, THIS IS GREAT soap. Some of the not so wonderful ones brought back memories of "eventful" soaping experiences; the kind that you laugh about now but cried when they were happening. Now I'll be filing away the recipe with a bar of the soap. Maybe that will work.
I didn't intend to make soap today but the spirit moved me. Who knows, the same could happen tomorrow. Lovely wife, mother of my children, etc is beginning to make noise about all the soap. Guess it's time to move it.
Did more Cracklin Birch,
Snowmans Balls Which I had a cute little swirl, then saw the FO on the counter :beatinghead: mix it all in, ugly, crossing fingers on the end result.

Then went to Dr appt with DD

Oils were too cool by the time I got home and I have learned that my recipe gets very thick Very fast when that happens - No RT soaping here :( Slamed Oatmeal Raisin and Twilight in the woods together. Thank goodness no swirling on those 2 !
^^^ Huh? I'm not sure I know what changing religions has to do with remembering my FO... but if it works I suppose I'll try it :p I'm sure you meant something else and were autocorrected! I just had to tease.

Soapy thing: cut my sandalwood soap last night. Should be able to bevel today over lunch. Tonight I am (I solemnly swear) reorganizing for my show on Saturday. My last outdoor show for the year - RELIEF! - and my last show until October. I think tackling the peach poppy soap will wait until Sunday, when I'm not rushed to get it done before bedtime. Or crabby because the kids are being jerks about going back to school. I will probably do some photography editing, video editing, and catching up on my FB and Instagram feeds. Next week will be tackling the new website. My husband put parental controls on the NetFlix, so now I have to enter a pin to watch TWD... I can't remember the pin to save my life. I'm taking that as a sign to get my stuff done :D
Decided to make my own printed labels. As cute and cheap as what I had worked, I just wanted something a little bit nicer.

Do you know how hard it is to find Kraft Printing paper that isn't just 50 sheets ??
Hello friends, can anyone please guide me that how much kelp I should add in soap per pound of oils?
Thank you
Yesterday I designed my own soap labels on Avery.com. I did 2 specialty soap labels and 1 general label for everything else and I placed orders for supplies with Amazon and Nurtures. And today I ordered a few more things (sssshhh, don't tell my hubby lol)!
I just re-wrapped, only 4 each, of my 21 scent for tomorrow with my new labels.

Sunday I will have to take new pictures of them all for the website . Le Sigh

@SoapAddict415 That is what I used. I do wish they had a border I could have picked from :(
I just re-wrapped, only 4 each, of my 21 scent for tomorrow with my new labels.

Sunday I will have to take new pictures of them all for the website . Le Sigh

@SoapAddict415 That is what I used. I do wish they had a border I could have picked from :(
I used pictures from pixel.com. They're royalty free and they have tons to choose from.
Today it was raining and I was expecting a lye delivery so I needed to stay home. My plan was to get some cleaning done. Got a notice late morning that the delivery was delayed, so I went to the gym with the intention of coming home to do the cleaning I have been procrastinating about. But then decided I really should do a batch of beach soap first. So I mixed up the lye solution, took a shower, mixed my colors, weighed the fragrance oil, and started to get my oils going. Not enough lard available. So I took a bucket out of the freezer. By this time of course it was too late to start cleaning. And tomorrow I will be making soap. So not cleaning tomorrow either. Oh darn. :lol:
I just re-wrapped, only 4 each, of my 21 scent for tomorrow with my new labels.

Sunday I will have to take new pictures of them all for the website . Le Sigh

@SoapAddict415 That is what I used. I do wish they had a border I could have picked from :(
I used avery self print for y labels, but he labels designed myself so I just had to load them. Avery seems to be the only self printing site that the labels print centered.
Aside from stopping off at a Goodwill store in Coralville, IA to look for and found some items I can use for soap (storage boxes, gift boxes, embed molds) and unpacking the car (some of which were the soaps I made while traveling), nothing.

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