What soapy thing have you done today?

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Cleaned up the baby meltdown from my grandson and started playing with my new stamps...


That's very pretty pretty!! Love that

I cut my pumice soap and made shae butter and cocoa butter soaps....tonight I'm making a 100% coconut oil soap.
Goodness, rparrmy- your soap looks spectacular! If that were mine, I would consider that an awesome day of soaping (I love jagged pencil lines)!

I cut my fully-gelled, sample tallow soap that I made using Isg's recipe and RE's Tuscan Field's FO. I also used Nurture's Purple Vibrance mica for the very first time, and all I can say is, 'Wow'! The color came out looking just like the color of the little sample soap shown on Nurture's site. After I unmolded & cut, I beveled with my Kakuri radial plane and then stamped it with my MilkyWay Thistle stamp (if the pic doesn't show up, just hit the 'refresh' button):


IrishLass :)
Wow, so many gorgeous soaps today.

I have been really busy lately and haven't been soaping much, plus my house had been neglected so long I spent the last couple weekends trying to clean my pig sty.

Today I made up for lost time and make Market Peach from WSP, a second batch of vanilla testers, and my first test batch for wedding favors for my cousin. Its my first wedding request so I'm really excited about it, I made a full batch but poured two guest size for my cousin to decide if she likes the size and colors.

It was a good day!




Goodness, rparrmy- your soap looks spectacular! If that were mine, I would consider that an awesome day of soaping (I love jagged pencil lines)!

I cut my fully-gelled, sample tallow soap that I made using Isg's recipe and RE's Tuscan Field's FO. I also used Nurture's Purple Vibrance mica for the very first time, and all I can say is, 'Wow'! The color came out looking just like the color of the little sample soap shown on Nurture's site. After I unmolded & cut, I beveled with my Kakuri radial plane and then stamped it with my MilkyWay Thistle stamp (if the pic doesn't show up, just hit the 'refresh' button):


IrishLass :)
How pretty! I love the color and the design on the side makes it!
Wow, so many gorgeous soaps today.

I have been really busy lately and haven't been soaping much, plus my house had been neglected so long I spent the last couple weekends trying to clean my pig sty.

Today I made up for lost time and make Market Peach from WSP, a second batch of vanilla testers, and my first test batch for wedding favors for my cousin. Its my first wedding request so I'm really excited about it, I made a full batch but poured two guest size for my cousin to decide if she likes the size and colors.

It was a good day!
So pretty, the colors are literally heavenly!
I made the embeds for my Halloween cupcakes and calendula tea for my pine tar soap. I'm having an all-soaping-day tomorrow! I also made my fifth batch of bath bombs in two days (that's a lot for me). My company all wanted to take some home with them. My kitchen smells so strangely amazing... I've got the box of Winter Swap goodies wafting December scents combined with Bamboo Lotus, Fig, Vanilla Milk, Cedar Lime, Very Sexy Men's dupe and Chocolate.
HELLO!!! *Waves*

Been a while, missed you all and the soapy conversations!
Baby is 8 months now, and I'm trying a little bit at a time, to get back into my Soap Room.

Work in progress.

Yesterday I made Dead Sea Mud Salt Bars - with dead sea mud & dead sea salt.. HAD to make a salt bar. So I could cut it right away - because I'm impatient like that....And.....I needed that....instant gratification. You know what I mean. Of course you do.

Today? I get to shop for ingredients. YAY.
I stopped at a craft show over the weekend and picked up a handmade "berry bowl." Basically, it looks like a small colander, but only has holes on the bottom. This particular potter also makes little plates to put under the bowls so that after rinsing your berries, they can drain that last little bit of water out without getting a counter top, or lap, all wet.

I put soap in it

That was MADE to be a Soap Dish! I would have done the same :) Nice find!
You know that after the success with the black and white I was gonna have to try again...
This batch looked at the right trace when I poured but it seemed thinner when I made the design...hope I did enough of the SB :eh: When I went to get the air bubbles out of the loaf the green got runny on the sides. Luckily the sides will be the ends so maybe I can just cut it off.
No lye drama with the sugar this time...
Eucalyptus and Spearmint

I so want to soap - I can't remember the last time I did

My life is just revision for my exam on Friday but guess what I will be doing Friday afternoon!?!
Goodness, rparrmy- your soap looks spectacular! If that were mine, I would consider that an awesome day of soaping (I love jagged pencil lines)!

I cut my fully-gelled, sample tallow soap that I made using Isg's recipe and RE's Tuscan Field's FO. I also used Nurture's Purple Vibrance mica for the very first time, and all I can say is, 'Wow'! The color came out looking just like the color of the little sample soap shown on Nurture's site. After I unmolded & cut, I beveled with my Kakuri radial plane and then stamped it with my MilkyWay Thistle stamp (if the pic doesn't show up, just hit the 'refresh' button):


IrishLass :)
The first time I saw this I spent more time oogling at the soap then reading the post...am I reading this right??? Was this a loaf soap and not a mold??? If so HOW did you get the sides and borders to look like that???
Well even though I am not entering the September challenge (I love you soapers but your soaps make my soaps want to fling themselves off of a bridge), I still wanted to play. So I took the challenge for myself.
I had some BB Almond Cybilla. I meant to get BBs regular almond because it doesn't discolor and I needed ideas. So I added a little bit of Cherry FO to the Almond Cybilla FO and made a layered soap. This FO is perfect for that because it is so strong, there is know way anyone will notice that the top layer is not scented.
The bottom layer has no color and I am waiting for it to turn brown. I just cut it today. The top layer is white with red swirled on top. Perfect red/brown/white for Cherry Almond FO.
Ok umm Sorry about the puppy, her name is Evy. We adopted her 2 weeks ago and I have been taking pics like a new mom. The first pic I uploaded by accident, so I thought why not upload a pic of her sweet little face.
I will post more pics (of the soap, I won't bore you with my dog again I promise) when it turns brown.




