What soapy thing have you done today?

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Consuela, apparently you can forget how to soap, ride a bike (and maybe do other things :). The soap was pretty much a fail, but at least it is out the way and I am not afraid to try again!

I doubt it - I bet it's wonderful! Lets see it when you cut :)
....I'll show you mine? (My first batch in 4 months so I'm also in the same boat as you - where ARE we going by the way?)
I had to go to the Wayback Machine to fetch this very useful pictorial page, since it's no longer on the LotionCrafter site, but this is how I use my plane: https://web.archive.org/web/20070216031450/http://lotioncrafter.com/pdf/soap_beveller.pdf

For what it's worth, I mostly use the 1/8"/5mm side of the plane, which is the same side I used for my purple soap.
IrishLass :)

Great info on that plane, ty.
Well, I got rear ended while stopped in traffic today on my way to work...the kids car was totaled, mine looked like just the bumper would need repair but on the way home it was obvious more was wrong than I thought. Other than a sore back I'm fine thank G-d and so is the kid. Luckily he admitted fault to his insurance so they are dealing with everything and I will have no out of pocket expenses. Just the annoyance of taking the car to the shop tomorrow and dealing with the rental ect...
I was bummed at the thought of it all till I checked the mailbox and my silk from Babs arrived...
Debating whether to cut the latest loaf or take my sore back to bed...
Ahh...how long could it take to cut the loaf...:)
I have cut my pumice, cocoa butter and Shea butter soaps. I'm making my mountain high soap that is 100% coconut oil!!! ImageUploadedBySoap Making1441761507.265424.jpg
Cocoa(left) Shea (middle) pumice (right).

I colored the Shea butter soap with spirulina and hoping it turns a beautiful gold like the last time I used it.
The cocoa butter soap is fragranced with coconut ginger almond but all I smell is almond and is colored with a bit of coco powder and charcoal to make a dark chocolate color!
The pumice I made for a friend that works in grease so I colored the soap black with charcoal in order for it to not look so dirty when they was the grease off their hands!! Lol
Great info on that plane, ty.
Well, I got rear ended while stopped in traffic today on my way to work...the kids car was totaled, mine looked like just the bumper would need repair but on the way home it was obvious more was wrong than I thought. Other than a sore back I'm fine thank G-d and so is the kid. Luckily he admitted fault to his insurance so they are dealing with everything and I will have no out of pocket expenses. Just the annoyance of taking the car to the shop tomorrow and dealing with the rental ect...
I was bummed at the thought of it all till I checked the mailbox and my silk from Babs arrived...
Debating whether to cut the latest loaf or take my sore back to bed...
Ahh...how long could it take to cut the loaf...:)

Ouch, I hope you feel better soon. You might not want to sign anything from the insurance company until you've had some time to make sure you don't need medical attention. I made that mistake in a similar accident when I was a teenager... I thought I was fine, but I needed some PT. a few decades later, I still feel it and have only recently started occasionally going for PT when I wake up and cannot turn my head.
Post surgery soap planning

We moved in June and I'm still unpacking. I had hip replacement surgery 6 weeks ago which put a halt to all my unpacking and other physical activities other than my post surgery exercises; and I just got a go ahead from the surgeon a couple of days ago to drive. I've also been busy with a remodeling project the past couple of months (added a laundry room/powder room in a tiny existing space and just ordered all new kitchen cabinets and counter tops. So 8 weeks from now I will have a new kitchen (or so they've promised);and with extra cabinets getting added I'm hoping there will be space for my soaping oils, butters, lye etc. I have two movable carts for the molds, colorants, clays, FO's, etc which I'll keep in the new laundry/powder room. Right now one is in the kitchen and one is in the living room!
Before my surgery I spent a week or so building raised beds and got some planting done because I knew I couldn't do it after the surgery and then there would be no veggies this year. We also had to have a deer proof fence put up which was just finished about a week and a half ago.
Now it's time to think about soap since I'm totally out of my own soaps and daughter took my last bar of Nag Champa home to Germany with her when she left. I had hoped to make some before the surgery but could never find the time nor energy, nor could I find my soaping notebooks which finally turned up two days ago! I had put them in drawers in a flat back cupboard in the kitchen and the cupboard has 3 large moving boxes still unpacked in front. I managed to move on box looking for something else and voila, there were all my notebooks!
We had 2 family members, our daughter and one of Jim's sisters, rotating to take care of me and my husband who is very ill, while I recovered; and when they left, another my sister-in-law arrived for a 4 day visit. So it's finally just Jim and me and our furry kids to think about, so it's time to dig out my molds, oils, etc. and get some soap made this week. Tomorrow I have to move one other box to get to the part of the cupboard with the lye, oils and butters and tools!
We moved in June and I'm still unpacking. I had hip replacement surgery 6 weeks ago which put a halt to all my unpacking and other physical activities other than my post surgery exercises; and I just got a go ahead from the surgeon a couple of days ago to drive. I've also been busy with a remodeling project the past couple of months (added a laundry room/powder room in a tiny existing space and just ordered all new kitchen cabinets and counter tops. So 8 weeks from now I will have a new kitchen (or so they've promised);and with extra cabinets getting added I'm hoping there will be space for my soaping oils, butters, lye etc. I have two movable carts for the molds, colorants, clays, FO's, etc which I'll keep in the new laundry/powder room. Right now one is in the kitchen and one is in the living room!
Before my surgery I spent a week or so building raised beds and got some planting done because I knew I couldn't do it after the surgery and then there would be no veggies this year. We also had to have a deer proof fence put up which was just finished about a week and a half ago.
Now it's time to think about soap since I'm totally out of my own soaps and daughter took my last bar of Nag Champa home to Germany with her when she left. I had hoped to make some before the surgery but could never find the time nor energy, nor could I find my soaping notebooks which finally turned up two days ago! I had put them in drawers in a flat back cupboard in the kitchen and the cupboard has 3 large moving boxes still unpacked in front. I managed to move on box looking for something else and voila, there were all my notebooks!
We had 2 family members, our daughter and one of Jim's sisters, rotating to take care of me and my husband who is very ill, while I recovered; and when they left, another my sister-in-law arrived for a 4 day visit. So it's finally just Jim and me and our furry kids to think about, so it's time to dig out my molds, oils, etc. and get some soap made this week. Tomorrow I have to move one other box to get to the part of the cupboard with the lye, oils and butters and tools!
My prayers for a speedy and complete recovery! How wonderful you are blessed to have so much family to help!! Happy soaping!
I'm currently rebatching a pine tar soap fail from this weekend.

I just unmolded by Halloween cupcakes from yesterday. I'm pretty happy with them so that makes up for the pine tar.... although my piping skills are just sad.


And with the lights off... spooky!


Those are really cool. Nice job!
Moving slowly but moving

My honey woke me at 5am - very dizzy and needed help getting out of bed. Glad the hospice nurse is coming this morning. I tried to go back to sleep for a bit but just couldn't, so I got my tape measure out and measured some of the molds I want to use for the Nag Champa soap, and sorted out some of my soaping papers and picked the recipe I want to use.

I only buy the smaller bottles of FO's but now that family members love this soap and scent, I will buy a large size next time. Now I have two 2 2/3 of the smallest bottles but have to go to Angels candles and supplies website and find out the weight since there's nothing on the bottles indicating weight.
This is the only Nag Champa I will use. I sent away a while ago for another one and it was horrible - nothing like the real Nag Champa.

I also got the molds washed that I'm hoping to use, and after I finish my blueberry pie breakfast, I'm going to get my oils and everything else I need set out for tomorrow or maybe even today. Today was supposed to be for planting some fall/winter veggie starts and the few pansies I got the other day but with the hospice nurse coming in an hour I may put that off till tomorrow and get my soaping ingredients figured out once I see how much FO I have and get everything ready to go after lunch or dinner.

I have a new wave mold I want to use and if i can do more than that I'll use either the guest oval or large oval as well. If I do have enough FO, I have to run my revised recipe through soap calc for a larger batch.

It's supposed to be 96 degrees F here today, so it's probably a better day to stay indoors with the air conditioner on and make some soap instead of planting anyway.
Well, I cut up my Carrot Soap - it's a lovely colour - though not as orange as it was when I poured it. That's okay because I expected it. And I can still smell the carrotseed EO which (was such a minute amount!) I wasn't expecting.

Now I'm drinking a terrible coffee - which pretty much is the worst thing in the entire world - and watching the garbage truck drive by. Which now reminds me that today was garbage day (all messed up because of the long weekend) and my garbage bins are still parked beside the house. OH well. I'm NOT flagging them down and I'm not remaking my terrible coffeee. Instead, I will use this an excuse to get a latte this afternoon while I do some shopping.

You know, redemption.
Does getting 20 kg of lard count? I can not believe I found lard in Canada for the price of 1.09 for a pound. I paid $2.30 for a pound for the last two years :((
Now lard soaping is going to get serious :))

WOOOOO nice score!!

Isn't it like a gift from the Gods when something like that happens?
Here's hoping you keep getting better and better, June! I'm so glad you are not letting things keep you in bed and that you are keeping busy. :)

IrishLass :)
Thanks Irish Lass

Thanks Irish, with a husband under hospice care and at home with me his only caretaker now, there is no lounging in bed. Fortunately, at 75, I'm in pretty good shape and was before my hip replacement, so I healed quickly enough to be back to doing all my normal chores, gardening, etc five weeks after surgery. The key was to be religious about my exercises before and after surgery. Fortunately I've always been very active.

I was going to try to make soap today and managed to dig out all the ingredients and measure several molds and figure out how much oil I'll need; but a friend and old neighbor called and came over and stayed a couple of hours and by then it was too late to start because I still have to run those oil amount through soap calc to come up with a larger batch to fill those molds. So I'll do that now and try to start on the soap tomorrow after breakfast.

After dinner is not an option these days because by the time dinner is done, garbage taken out, dishes done, dog walked, etc. it's already after 8pm and I'm ready to to just do some email and work on paperwork. These days it's lights out before 10pm.

So off to soap calc I go to do a 59.5 oil recipe and make sure I have enough of the oils to do the recipe and fill the 3 molds I want to use tomorrow.

It feels good to have some time to read these boards again!


Here's hoping you keep getting better and better, June! I'm so glad you are not letting things keep you in bed and that you are keeping busy. :)

IrishLass :)

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