Popping in to share that I'm
finally done with my new workbench, almost exactly a month after starting. Here are a couple of snapshots. I'm about to make a small batch of peach-scented soap to inaugurate the new bench.
This first shot is 'face on' as seen from about 5 feet away, standing at my computer desk 'office'. The desk is where I work from home, and I also moved my personal desktop machine here (glad to have it out of the dining room).
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This side-angle view shows the milk crate drying stacks I'm trying out. I have a few more crates that I need to pressure wash, and those will go in behind the lye buckets.
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I like the LED shop lights so much that I'm going to add one to my woodworking bench (my old soap work area), which is diagonally across the room. This room is REALLY crowded, what with the treadmill, shelving, and a vertical freezer, but it's actually coming together as a useful room, not just a conglomeration of clutter.