What soapy thing have you done today?

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I'm back to researching how to make detergent for cleaning my driveway using diy OxiClean, citrus terpenes, sodium hydroxide and surfectents. I found there is no single formulation that will clean the entire drive. Looking at making sepatate solutions for a general cleanser like Simple Green and Chomp! to treat the oil stains.
The recipe called for 49.94g lye and 101g water. I used my master batch and added the water. When I realized my mistake and threw out the batch, I recalculated on soapcalc to see what my lye should’ve been. It should’ve been twice as much and way less water. Whatever I did you could see by looking at the batch that it wasn’t gonna work. So I just threw it out and started again. The next batch came out perfect 🤩
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Today, I remembered how much I hate using freezer paper to line molds 😂 I've been spoiled by my silicone-lined boxes. But it is nice that my husband can throw together a wood box for me when I need a specific size for something.
Nice hubby!! Does he have to go out and buy the wood or does he have a stash?
I did two soapy things today. I stared soaping about a month ago and some of the bars are ready for testing. I spent a bit of time today washing my hands, waiting 5 minutes, deciding if the soap was too drying and comparing recipe profiles to figure out which ones I liked the best. Oh, and I now have a box full of soap to rebatch 🤦🏽‍♀️
The next thing was to reformulate a goat milk and oat soap recipe that went into my rebatch pile. (You noticed I didn’t say colloidal oat. That’s a whole other kettle of fish I don’t want to open again!!) I changed it hoping to make it milder, less drying and with less oaty goodness visible to the naked eye. The coffee grinder and extra fine mesh are my new best friends 😊
I made this over the weekend.


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I’ve been dealing with an asthma exacerbation lately, so am unable to make soap until I feel better. I may still try and just wear a mask. I need to make soap!!
Are you able to use molybdenum or b-12? sometimes they can help.. especially if you are sensitive to sulfites. Sure hope you feel better real soon!
I just sat stirring oils in my crockpot to try making a soap paste for an hour, I couldn’t figure out why the coconut oil wasn’t melting. It always helps if you plug it in! 😂

Maybe I shouldn’t soap while I’m at work!!!!!
I can laugh because I am guilty of the same exact thing! Only I can't even blame it on being at work ~ I was literally melting butters and oils together to make soap and forgot to turn on heat 🙄😒🤦🏼‍♀️ I kept stirring but the chunks weren't melting and I couldn't figure out why! Talk about a senior moment, I just couldn't help but laugh at myself which only made my hubby curious so I had to confess it to him 😬