Savage Daughter
Formerly known as Quasi Quadrant
Aside from errands I need to do, I'm going to moderate my soapy to-do list to avoid disappointing myself (or further exhaustion), to something like organizing my soap workshop area, trying to design a loaf-cutter I've been dreaming about, and perhaps making the last (?) two batches in my honey-soap experiment. I'm trying to learn moderation of self-expectations, but it isn't easy: I'm wired to over-commit myself and then rake myself over the coals. It's a self-destructive loop.
Yes, this I understand very well. I have been learning to organize my days in such a way that I can get a decent amount done without over-committing to anything. Working in IT for 30 or so years has resulted me operating under a reversed schedule compared to what most people function within, so it's not uncommon for me to be bevelling, polishing & labeling soaps from 2-5:AM, then working all day the next day on job / outdoor work / side businesses. Today was fencing, then sitting down & taking a break & reading the form posts. Pace myself!
As part of our study on DOS causes and prevention, I was thinking about the guitar wires on my various cutters, and looked to see what they're made of; the spares I bought online are steel wrapped with nickel, and nickel is listed as one of the culprits, so I'll be seeking to replace them with pure stainless strings; another live-and-learn item in my soap education.
THAT! Oh wow, that is not something which had occurred to me! I will have to remember this when I run out of the spare strings which came with my cutters.
My wife's gotten fully into the swing of things and is now interested in making shower steamers and has been seen pricing bath bomb presses. Yesterday she shared a link to a recipe for shower gel! It appears that our house will be bath-products-focused for the next while.
It is a beautiful thing when a couple, married or not, begin coming together on something like this, as insignificant as it may seem

Tree Marie has a good video on mini drop swirls and includes links in her YouTube post. I think this is what you’re looking for?
I just finished watching that video, thanks so much for sharing
The video also surprised me as I never would have guessed that this would be the way to go about getting this type of design. I had visualized a completely different process, to say the least! I would have completely buggered it up had I not watched the video first