What do you want for christmas?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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What is your one wish for Christmas? It can be a 'thing' that can be bought or it can be a wish.

Mine is a ring on my finger and new home with a BIG kitchen! lol

If I can't have that...then a Soaphutch soap mold will work!

What do you want?
A new house with bigger rooms (right now we live in one side of a 2-family house and while it's 3 stories and has vertical space, the rooms are small. which is problematic when half the people in the house are huge.)

Shorter toilets. Don't laugh. We just replaced the toilets and the new ones are too high. I cannot sit with my heels on the floor to save my life. This aggravates me. But they are new and so aren't going to be replaced.

For my hairy half to THINK about what works for our new blended family instead of just assuming that what used to work for his half will be good for us (case in point - toilets. his half is over 6'. my half is on the tiny side.)

(I'm venting. What I really want is a ring.)
I want a new crab.

Halloween Hermit Crab!
for my saltwater aquarium.

I think that's it! ... a shampoo bar maybe... LOL! :wink:
That my family can all be together this Christmas. My brother and his wife and kiddos live in Florida and we haven't had a "family" Christmas together in about 3 years. They told me they are planning on coming this year so maybe my wish will come true!
Oh, and I hope that all of YOUR wishes come true!! :D
I would Really Love to have my own home.. we lost our home 2 years ago and went from 2700 sq ft Victorian with 2 car garage to a trailer.. and we had to leave the state for work :cry: .. I dont even have room for family to visit..
cwarren said:
I would Really Love to have my own home.. we lost our home 2 years ago and went from 2700 sq ft Victorian with 2 car garage to a trailer.. and we had to leave the state for work :cry: .. I dont even have room for family to visit..


I'd really like to be at peace for once! Lately I've been over stressed and felt like everything and everyone depended and was waiting on ME...

I really need to learn better ways to de-stress myself....at least for now a glass of red wine helps (a little for the soap, a little for me....a little for the soap, a little for me...)

I guess another view of this wish is for my "hairy half" (love that! I gots me one too!) to actually pull his weight instead of living the 'you're the woman' life - I have to remind him that back in that day/age women didn't also pull a full time desk job in addition to the full time home job!

Happy Holidays and I also hope everyone's wishes come true!
glenolam said:
I guess another view of this wish is for my "hairy half" (love that! I gots me one too!) to actually pull his weight instead of living the 'you're the woman' life - I have to remind him that back in that day/age women didn't also pull a full time desk job in addition to the full time home job!

That's exactly what I used to tell my ex husband. Sure I'll do all the "women" work...let me just quit my full time professional day job. lol Arse.
I would like to have a job that I LOVE and can make good money with.

I would also like to spend Christmas with all my family together.
You know what I want for Christmas?

I want all of you to get your Christmas wishes. I don't need anything else.
Deda said:
You know what I want for Christmas?

I want all of you to get your Christmas wishes. I don't need anything else.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks
I'd like for all my family to be healthy and together (without drama!).

I'd also like some stuff for soaping.

And maybe a new coat. :D
Being with family and the grand kids is #1 but after that I would like some SS equiptment to brew 20 gallons of beer at a time.

I have a looooonnnnggg list!

Stuff I want: Embroidery machine, fabric, upland molds, new iron, new couch, a DSLR camera. Those are my selfish wants.

The thing I really need is to find a bigger house. We are a fam of 7 living in a 2br smalllll house. We have been looking and looking for the perfect one but have not yet found it.

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