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Question: I searched for "liquid shampoo recipe" and only found shampoo bars on this forum. Are bars better for hair, than liquid? Or easier to make than liquid? I'd like to make my own shampoo: and just am looking for a place to start. Thank you in advance!
I started with liquid shampoo recipes that I got from Swift Crafty Monkey (paid subscription) and have since switched to bars. Mostly because I wanted to get rid of the containers. The great thing about formulating your own is you can customize it to your hair. This true of either liquid or bars. As @Misschief mentioned, the Humblebee and Me site is a great place to start for either liquid or bars.
…a batch of Avocado Mint Foot Cream, with the DIY Lotion Concentrate.
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Oh my goodness, @Misschief - the avocado mint foot cream is heavenly! I made a batch and used 2 parts peppermint EO, 2 parts spearmint EO, and 1 part vanilla FO. It just feels fantastic and is really hydrating! Love love love!
Oh my goodness, @Misschief - the avocado mint foot cream is heavenly! I made a batch and used 2 parts peppermint EO, 2 parts spearmint EO, and 1 part vanilla FO. It just feels fantastic and is really hydrating! Love love love!
@dmcgee5034 and @Misschief I must know more about this avocado mint foot cream! I haven’t purchased the DIY BB lotion concentrate recipe, are instructions included with the recipe? It sounds lovely.
@dmcgee5034 and @Misschief I must know more about this avocado mint foot cream! I haven’t purchased the DIY BB lotion concentrate recipe, are instructions included with the recipe? It sounds lovely.
Yes, it is. I add menthol crystals to mine and my customers rave about it. Apart from my soap, my customers are always commenting on how much they love my creams and lotions, the majority of which are made with the lotion concentrate recipe.
@Tammyfarms I have to chime in and say that I haven't been disappointed in any of the DIY B&B recipes yet, especially the lotion (from her concentrate recipe), the shampoo bars, and the conditioner bars.

The Foaming Alaskan Clay Scrub is also amazing, although that's been removed temporarily for reformulating with other clays that are easier to obtain.
Revisiting my face cream experiment at approx 5 weeks: I haven't had a single pimple (50 years old and I finally got the skin I dreamed of at 17, go figure). Daughter has been very happy as well. She had a 6 month Derm check last week and was happy to tell the dermatologist that she's been spot free for three weeks. Daughter heads off to summer camp next week so asked if I would make her her own bottle. When revisiting my notes, I realized I had mixed up the temps for Niacinamide and N-Acetyl, so I can dissolve the Niacinamide with the rest of the water for future batches. I'm debating if I want to rock the boat or make it exactly the same method. Anyone else question weird things like this? Just me? Carry on then.

Made more shampoo bars, sugar scrubs, lotions, and body oil over the last week. Did a test batch of conditioner bars to reformulate using BTMS-25, but they have a fracture in the middle - enough that I'm concerned that one good drop and they'll break in half. If anyone has advice for this, I would appreciate it. I suspect that it has to do with cooling temps but I'm not sure if I'm cooling too fast or too slow.

Will have to tackle lip balms over the next week or I'll be behind come fall when everyone is looking for them.
Yes, it is. I add menthol crystals to mine and my customers rave about it. Apart from my soap, my customers are always commenting on how much they love my creams and lotions, the majority of which are made with the lotion concentrate recipe.
I just ordered the e-book. It’s currently on sale. 👏🏻
When revisiting my notes, I realized I had mixed up the temps for Niacinamide and N-Acetyl, so I can dissolve the Niacinamide with the rest of the water for future batches. I'm debating if I want to rock the boat or make it exactly the same method. Anyone else question weird things like this? Just me? Carry on then.
I’m right there with you. I question everything and then double question. 🙄 The smallest change can make a huge difference. I recently read something from Marie at HumbleBee and Me. She said when she is formulating she takes notes that include any additional “slips” which put any extra ingredient in a formula. This made me happy for a couple reasons, I often measure things in one container because 1) I’m too lazy to wash a bunch of extra dishes and sometimes a little extra something goes in the batch, and 2) I make small batches and I’m not always confident I get everything out of my measuring container. By keeping notes I can recreate the same formula or look back and realize why this batch isn’t as good as the last.
Happy to hear your face cream is working for you and your daughter! That’s always a great feeling.
@Tammyfarms I have to chime in and say that I haven't been disappointed in any of the DIY B&B recipes yet, especially the lotion (from her concentrate recipe), the shampoo bars, and the conditioner bars.

The Foaming Alaskan Clay Scrub is also amazing, although that's been removed temporarily for reformulating with other clays that are easier to obtain.
I ordered the lotion concentrate and am looking forward to trying it. I have the hot pour shampoo bar and it’s just too conditioning for my oily scalp. Yes, even the oily hair version. I think I finally have a shampoo bar formula and will be posting it as soon as I’m sure.
I used up the last of my current batch of the lotion concentrate making a small batch of the Avocado Mint Foot Cream. It made a couple of jars for me and several little sample jars for friends and family.
I made a cold brew soap nut shampoo (@ request of DD) and a separate citric acid hair rinse. I have gray/black hair and had been recently using a sulfate free shampoo/conditioner for gray hair specifically. It’s leaving my hair feeling as if I’d forgotten to wash out the conditioner. Today I used the nut shampoo, and followed with CA rinse. My hair does not feel as if I left conditioner in, but it’s still damp. Hair smells clean but without a product smell. We shall see.
Today I had a real life conversation with someone who knew a little something about skincare! We’re visiting some of hubs’ family for the 4th of July and someone in the family used to work for GM Collin. I told him I made my own lotions (he already knew I made soap) and he sampled my body and face lotions (both based on DIY B&B’s lotion concentrate) and liked them both. 😊 He gave me a couple of products to try so I’m excited about that.

Curious if anyone here (Canadians in particular, maybe? I think it’s a Canadian company) know anything about DM Collin.
I'm not familiar with the name. It looks like they're available only through spas and there are no third party resellers. It looks like there are three outlets here in Kelowna; I'm familiar with one (a cosmetic surgeon - we do some printing for them); the other two are high end aestheticians. Sounds like they're pretty high end.
I made a cold brew soap nut shampoo (@ request of DD) and a separate citric acid hair rinse. I have gray/black hair and had been recently using a sulfate free shampoo/conditioner for gray hair specifically. It’s leaving my hair feeling as if I’d forgotten to wash out the conditioner. Today I used the nut shampoo, and followed with CA rinse. My hair does not feel as if I left conditioner in, but it’s still damp. Hair smells clean but without a product smell. We shall see.
Update: I have uncolored, long black/brown/gray hair and with the gray came what I not so lovingly call my “witchy hairs”. The hair that frames my face that has gone gray gets frizzy & “witchy” looking without product or purposeful curling. Well not today or yesterday. I don’t know if it’s the shampoo or rinse but either way, I am a happy camper. I’ll upload picture. This is hair unbrushed and zero product. Normally would be kinda crazy frizzy in the front.


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