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Soapmaking Forum

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New to Forum

Hello everyone , I have been soaping for about three years with everyday a new experience . I appreciate every post I've read , they have helped me a lot . Not much to say tonight nursing an arthitic back . Just wanted to say hello!!!
Hi Hazel, I am so lost trying to find my way around . I'm a forum virgin. But I must confess I do like to lurk . I not much of a talker/typer . I hope it's ok to lurk . Thanks for the welcome .
Welcome to the forum, from pervious experience there is lots of advice on here, good luck in Florida hope all goes well, uncanny that your moving out of ohio and I'm soon to be moving in..
Hi! My name is brigette,

Im a "newbie" in SMF and soap making. I'm looking forward to learn more about soap making from all of you.❤️
Hello again , I've been reading the different forums that interest me , but I have to say I'm really ignorant about how forums work . Can someone treat me like a first grader and give me a lesson on Forums . I am not ashamed to admit to need help . Thanks
Hi Brigette,

Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Hello again , I've been reading the different forums that interest me , but I have to say I'm really ignorant about how forums work . Can someone treat me like a first grader and give me a lesson on Forums . I am not ashamed to admit to need help . Thanks

I don't know what you mean by how the forums work. Post a comment if something interests you or if you have a question. Share pictures of your soap/B&B if you feel comfortable about it. You can post jokes or general interest items in the General Chat forum.
Hi I am new!

Have about 20 batches of cold process soap successfully done. Looking for other soapers to talk to.
Hello everyone I am new to soapmaking been doing it for several weeks now. I am starting with MP first then moving to CP, then HP, this has become my new addiction!
Greetings to all! This is Jude and very grateful to be here. Hoping to learn more new things here. Thanks:grin:
Wow, I guess I'm the newbie on the block and just signed up. I hope to upgrade my membership by the end of the year and I am very excited about joining this forum. Thank you
Hi everyone, I'm Ann and I'm new to soapmaking. I decided to learn how to make lotions and balms so that I could use products with all natural ingredients. I'm also interested in the medicinal uses of balms. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone.
Wow! I hope to get up to speed in a few months on the amount of batches you did. How long did it take you on average?

Thank you

I made about 17 batches (2lb) for Christmas gifts. I made about the same since then for this year. I have been giving some to everyone to test. I made about 3 a weekend since October . Still learning! I measure the oils out for three at a time. Then make it over the weekend.
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