I'm not here to tell you what to do or how to change anything, because you learn all that as you go. I just wanted to encourage you with some thoughts.
One of the biggest successes in online business is having the right mindset. Do NOT be discouraged when first starting out. I cannot stress that enough. Your site may look professional, but if people have never heard of you before, or have no past history, they get leery shopping with someone new.
Remember, the vast majority of successful online businesses didn't start with a big splash. It was word of mouth and a returning customer base which starts a snowball effect that gets bigger and bigger over time.
So one customer will turn into two. Two will turn into four. Four into eight, etc. I always tell myself with each business idea I start to not expect a real return of investment (ROI) for 3 years. I ask myself, "Am I willing to invest three years of my life and effort into this, knowing that it may not work?" If the answer is yes, I proceed forward.
I started an online business (non-soap related) in 2004. By the second year, I was pretty much in debt about 50K due to all the inventory I was buying. Talk about discouraging!! For example, for every sale that I made, that profit went right back into the business to buy MORE stuff to help grow the business.
My first MONTH of online sales, I did a whopping $36.00! My second month, I did $47.00. The third month, I only did $10.00. TEN BUCKS! What happened? Who knows but it massively dropped off, probably because a competitor was having some special deals that I couldn't afford to have.
It wasn't until the END of year three that I actually got out of business debt, and by year four, I was paying myself a TINY paycheck. Now in 2011, we are in the process of incorporating, and expanding to hire people. I try to shoot now for $40,000 a month in sales (a far cry from the $10.00 a month when we first started)!
My point is that at any point along the way, it's easy to get discouraged because "sales aren't coming in." This is especially frustrating when you have the website, have the product, but no one to ship it to! But if you got the right mindset, it will all come together. I think your site looks very professional. Now it's a matter of networking. Getting people to come. Offer contests, giveaways, and get people active with the site. Sales should almost be an afterthought because it's a byproduct of all the other efforts you put into it.
Just my two cents! I really hope it works out for you! I think the site looks great, and I totally encourage you to stay positive!