Voting Issue January Challenge

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Plymouth, Devon, UK
If you have voted in the January challenge, please can you check that you have also added your name to the vote count list as we have a discrepancy between the number of votes cast and the number of people confirming they have voted.
Who is left to vote from the initial signup that haven't said they have voted? Do we have too many folks voting (so maybe someone voted that wasn't on the initial challenge sign up)?
I have voted for 3 other contestants here, and I entered my name in the voting-thread days ago, but now I became a bit unsure if I have to go and register with surveymonkey to be counted as a voter? Or did you see my vote? :think:
I think we have got things resolved now a couple of people have messaged to say they haven't voted and didn't want to and a couple to say they voted without being on the list so I think we are square. If anyone is left who hasn't voted then please do so by tonight as I will be announcing the winners tomorrow.