ohhh I am going to try that. How about leaving the salt out? Still 13 to 15% superfat, because of the milk fat? is that why?
And I have another question. (Sorry I am full of them sometimes). I am looking to make eggnog soap. And I have this powder to make eggnog. If I just put like a table spoon after trace, I do not need to change the water content, right?
Has anyone made a 100 % coconut oil soap with 20 % superfat, and coconut milk as the liquid?
Just curious if the coconut milk from the can needs to be strained or not? I made a soap last night using coconut milk and when I unmolded it tonight I can see little white specks all around the outside of the loaf.
Did you add the lye to the coconut milk? What was your process? It sounds like either it wasn't mixed well enough if added to the oils or if you froze it and added the lye to the frozen milk it may have saponified some of the fat.