Well-Known Member
I am a bit scent sensitive so most things I hate because it smells like perfume . Tried the Earth Friendly dish soaps because it was the only one that came unscented. But Dawn works better.
I don't do much dishes by hand, I even put my pot/pans in there and you are not suppose to
So far the CA in the dishwasher made my Glasses look like BRAND NEW ! and no wet dog smell so far.
I want to try the soap pots next but I need to make more soap to dirty up more pots to make a full load
Any excuse to soap, no ?
I don't do much dishes by hand, I even put my pot/pans in there and you are not suppose to
So far the CA in the dishwasher made my Glasses look like BRAND NEW ! and no wet dog smell so far.
I want to try the soap pots next but I need to make more soap to dirty up more pots to make a full load

Any excuse to soap, no ?