The highs are so high & the lows just....suck

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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
I made 2 batches tonight & the second batch I had great plans for a 3 color swirl. The scent was Marrakesh from Bramble berry ( I just bought it because it sounded cool) Don't really care for the scent, but I thought hey lets give it a chance.
3.5 seconds after I poured my Lye water in I had INSTANT , lumpy bumpy seizure :shock:
I scrapped the color all together & used gloved hands to stuff it in the tray.
It looks like CR*@P & I'm kinda not diggin the smell.
I'm sooooo pizzed I just wanna throw the whole batch in the garbage with the remaining 1/2 bottle of fragrance!
When I make good soap 95% of the time , I'm super high & proud
& when somthing like this happens........ I'm hot azz fish grease! :twisted:
Mmmm time to join the SRB (if you haven't already). This is a know accelerator, tho apparently if you soap cool and are prepared you can soap it though the reviewer said "I wouldn't plan on doing anything fancy though.".

The Scent Review Board:

You need to join it with a "real" email address - it won't allow memberships based on free ones. In 10 years I've gotten a grand total of 3 emails, btw. Two when joining, and one to say the web site was being relocated.
Dear 2scents,

Have you seen my thread on the photo forum "thanks agriffin for the tutorial"? Have you seen the picture I posted of my supposed to be elegant and beautiful soap that looks like crap and that is scented with honey but two people told me smelled like lilac? I know, at least it's a decent scent but still, it blows when you work so hard on something and it is a total bust. BTW, I am most impressed with your lingo there at the end. Were you a sailor in a previous life? ;)
thanks guys, got a fresh perspective this am....... still don't care for the scent & still looks like a dogs breakfast but......its useable.

Any body want 2 oz of free " Marrakesh" ? & 2 oz Sandle wood that smells like an indian brothel?
PM me & its yours!
I can empathize! Made two batches myself the other day and the one turned out beautifully, and the other has clumps of TD in it (which I added at the last minute and obviously didn't blend properly). :evil: So it happens!!

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