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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
East Berlin, PA
the bad news is my AC compressor died before the hottest weekend of the was 90 and humid inside the house last night at 10pm.

so my soap isn't so happy, much has moved to moms. but i have noticed some bars seem to fare better inthe humidity than others. it seems like those with GM and shea butter draw more moisture from the air....
Oh, that's too bad. It's so hard to sleep when it's hot.
The timing is definitely a Murphy's Law thing. :lol:
Oh, rats! Our heater died once, but it had been broken for like a year and we didn't notice because we have a jumbo woodstove. If our AC died, I'd have to resort to Amazon methods. I've heard that if you tack a burlap sack to the windows and let the end of it dangle into a pan of water, you can cool an entire house.
La Oberhasli said:
Oh, rats! Our heater died once, but it had been broken for like a year and we didn't notice because we have a jumbo woodstove. If our AC died, I'd have to resort to Amazon methods. I've heard that if you tack a burlap sack to the windows and let the end of it dangle into a pan of water, you can cool an entire house.

Isn't that the "coolest" idea I've heard yet! I don't have A/C and it can get pretty hot here in July. I think I'll give that a try. Thanks! :D
You might also experiment with putting that in front of a box fan. The evaporation cools the air. Do not however allow the moisture to come in contact with the fan due to shock hazard.

That's what we used to call 'swamp coolers.' They were common in Los Angeles some decades ago, but the increased congestion of buildings has raised LA's humidity and they are no longer effective. They work best in the driest climates.
If I was going to do it, I would add a low concentration of bleach to the water to prevent mold. I might as well roast then be suffacated by mold. The fan is a good idea LH. It also helps if your house is in the shade. I think I read about this in the peace corps manual.
still no ac, but there was a nice thunderstorm last night so it is much cooler this morning....i can actually sit at the computer without pouring sweat.

the burlap is a great suggestion, but the humidity is way high here, although its much lower today! thank god for small miracles.
WilsonFamilyPicnic said:
the bad news is my AC compressor died before the hottest weekend of the was 90 and humid inside the house last night at 10pm.

Oh my! :shock: I live about 125 miles east of you so I know the stickies you are in. The storms last night broke the heat wave almost instantly.

Funny, I grew up down south just north of the swamps. I do not ever recall laying on the porch and thinking it was too hot to play. Nope, we ran like banshees from sunup to sunset. Now, I can't imagine not having air conditioning. Spoiled, I am. :D

WilsonFamilyPicnic said:
much cooler today! and on the brighter side i got my TOG mold and cutter and it is awwwwwesome!!!!

Bet I know what you are doing today. :lol: :lol:

i was a soap cutting maniac last night. i saved a bunch to cut just for the nifty cutter. it was like magic, freakin magic! i am currently whipping up a recipe for in the new mold....can't wait!

and my AC will be fixed tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

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