Some New Soaps (uncut) pic heavy- some cut pics added

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Thought I'd share some of my recent soaping adventures. I saw the tutorial for using a column to accomplish a psychodelic kind of look on Amanda's blog "" and I just had to try it My first attempt was the square slab pic. Unfortunately my soap started getting thick way to soon so it didn't quite come out as I wanted it to but it's not too bad for a first go. My second attempt in the log mold came out a little better. It's hard doin by yourself! Would have been much easier with an assistant! Anyways, I sure do love makin soap and I always will. :D The log pic with chunky green and yellow on top is scented with coconut lime, the square slab mold and bundt with Bay Rum and the psychodelic log mold is scented with fruit slices. BTW- the bundt was an oops. My calculations were WAYYYYYY off and I had all this leftover soap and no where to put it so I thought, maybe the bundt pan will hold it and sure enough it did. Sometimes oopsies can be quite nice right?





Here are a few cut pics.....sorry they're not the best quality but photography is not my strong suit. The only only I haven't cut yet is the bundt because I still want to decorate it before I cut it. Here goes:



They look great. Especially the last one.
Also love the bundt. It will cut beautiful no doubt.
Sibi ... your soaps are amazing! I've seen the tutorial using a column, but I decided it would be too hard to do it on my own ... but you've definitely challenged that thinking, due to your's looking so amazing!
Those look awesome!! I love the first one the best!! Is it just chunks of soap and soap shavings? Love that look!!
Really cool soaps! I love all the colors. The bunt cake one should be really interesting!
soapbuddy said:
Looks good to me! Did you do a tunnel swirl on the one in the slab mold?

I did a column swirl on both the slab mold and the log mold. Its fun to see what kind of results you will get but it's not easy to coordinate so many colors and hold the funnel and pour by yourself.
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone :D You all should give the column swirl (by Amanda a try, its loads of fun! :D