Soaping 101 liquid soapmaking video?

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She did say it was zap free earlier. I did remember that, I just wanted to double check other ingredients for possible irritants, then could not remember the recipe.(My horrid memory.)

Ipstephy85- glad to hear that. You seemed not to be the "get rich quick making soap" type, so I almost did not say anything. But, I thought I might better because someone else who read that might not be as sensible as you.

Pssh, if I was the "get rich quick soaper" type I would have thrown in the towel long ago. I am the "addicted soaper" type :mrgreen:
Hi, I am posting a quote also from Deeanna
"All the calculating in the world is no substitute for real info, so one thing to double check is zap -- if the LS doesn't zap your tongue, I'd lean toward the FO causing the irritation. I'm just guessing here, so please don't take any of this as gospel truth. " end quote

So, I brought this up as I see you did not say if you had tried the zap test....again here, to make sure. I know you originally did, and said that you had no zap, but, with your face burning, yes, it COULD be the fragrance oil, but then again it COULD be that when you first tested it, and thought it was not a zap, maybe it really was a zap and you were just to new of a soaper to know the difference. I say this because Honistly, when I saw a picture of your diluted soap I right away thought it looke exactly like my FIRST batch I ever did, where I THOUGHT it was zap free...but I had nothing to go against as I was new to soaping. Your extra cloudy liquid soap looked like my first batch, and even though I THOUGHT my batch was zap friendly, later, when I took a shower, Not only did my skin feel all tingly everywhere, but it burned my hair when I used it as Shampoo, bad enough that an entire HANDFULL of hair broke off into my hands, I mean a CLUMP of hair, like a 1/4 cup full of hair. I rinsed right away and used lots of vinager to make sure it was all nutralized. Anyway, what I am saying, is it sure would not hurt anything at all to try the zap test just one more time, as a process of elimination. Yes, it could be the fragrance oil, but saying that, you would most likely have a rash or redness, but out right burning....thats the part that was a flag for me, not saying you cant burn from FO, but it was the burning part for me that made me THINK Of my first Liquid Soap. So, just saying, it wouldnt hurt to do a zap test quick, again to do a process of illimination, just one more time. Then if its good, its probibly the FO. Yes, if you do the zap test now, it will taste bad, but saying that, you will know.
Ok, just my thought here....I felt it WORTH bringing up...I know my first batch almost got me away from making LS alltogether after loosing that much hair, but now I totally understand what ZAP feels like on my tongue. If somebody where offering me a million dollars, I would of said, YES, MY SOAP IS ZAP FREE....cause I was THAT confidant on it when I tested it, but when I USED it in my hair....oh trouble trouble indeed!!! In other words, I did NOT know what zap felt like, I only thought I did. But now, after having so many LS batches under my belt, I totally know when I am being zaped!! For you, I hope it is the FO and not the Soap!!! But you might need to try the zap test AGAIN just to be sure...ok, thats my two cents....spend it, or leave the pennies on the ground where you found them :smile:

I am new to LS but not new to CP and HP soap making. I have zap tested plenty of my bars and know zap as I forced myself to do it when making HP so I know what I would be feeling. And when I split the ones I had bottled for testing I even re-zap tested the unscented batch I had in a canning jar and no instant zap, just a sweet taste and then irritation after a few seconds. Zap is instant and unmistakable. And from DeeAnna's post with using 3.5oz of KOH I still should have been ok as to not having lye heavy soap before or after adding extra OO (I used SoapCalc with the 90% purity checked and per ED their KOH is 90%):

DeeAnna's Post:

Modified recipe when I added more OO which I am now fat heavy and that is causing the cloudiness.

2.4 oz Castor
3.7 CO 76
9.9 + 3.5 = 13.4 OO
3.5 oz lye

I didn't know what purity of KOH you are using, so I figured the KOH for the following purity levels: 90% (Soapcalc w 90% checked), 94% (Summerbeemeadow) and 100% (Soapcalc 90% not checked), so you can see how the lye amount changes as the purity changes. The superfat is constant at 3% in all of the examples below.

Here are the numbers for your modified recipe as above:

100% KOH, 3% superfat => 3.8 oz KOH
94% purity, 3% superfat => 4.1 oz KOH
90% purity, 3% superfat => 4.2 oz KOH

Original recipe:

I checked your original recipe (the version with 9.9 oz OO). Here are the numbers for that one, again for 3% superfat and the various KOH purities:

100% purity, 3% superfat => 3.2 oz KOH
94% purity, 3% superfat => 3.4 oz KOH
90% purity, 3% superfat => 3.5 oz KOH
I do not want to hack the thread but i have question. When I made my liquid glycerine soap it was a succes, at this time I had not sense of small due the sinus infection. It is back :) and unfragranced soap (Dilluted with distilled water and SL) and it stinks like hell. Is it normal or something went wrong?
Mine has a distinct scent to it, but it's not stinky in a bad way at all. It just smells like good, clean soap. As a matter of fact, the scent smells just like the liquid soap my elementary school kept in the washroom dispensers back when I was in kindergarten. Every time I use my soap in its unscented form, it takes me right back to kindergarten.

IrishLass :)
No it is exactly like Irishlass , I need to smell the KOH because it maybe smells this way. Lye does not smell nice either. Susie sometimes I can smell things no one can. Which help me make nice smelling soaps and lotions:))
When I smell it is smells like soap but the worst kind of soap :)
Dahila- your nose kinda sounds a lot like my hubby's nose. The scent receptors in our individual nasal cavities are programmed differently. When I sniff jasmine, I smell a pretty flower, but when he sniffs jasmine, he smells cat pee. lol

Also- he always knows when I've mixed up a batch of lye solution out in the garage, even though I mixed it up 9 hours before he came home from work! He's like a blood hound or something! Maybe I should start calling him Hound Dog. lol :wink:

Have you had someone else smell your soap? That might be a good idea to do.

IrishLass :)
I smell cat pee for jasmine also. I can also smell 0.5 oz lard containing NaOH soap in a gallon of scented liquid laundry soap. I love lard! Just not the smell of it on my clothes when they come out of the dryer.
My daughter smelled and said it smells nice, I scented with lemon verbena. My hubby says it smell ok but he is a smoker, so I do not trust him. Today I am taking some to my friend and she will give me feedback. When something smells off she can smell too , At least I trust her on it:)) thank you ladies.
yeah I have a weird way of smell sense. When so many people complain on skunk smell it does not bother me;))
yeah I have a weird way of smell sense. When so many people complain on skunk smell it does not bother me;))

Hahaha- my sister-in-law is the same way! I thought she was the only one with a sense of smell like that out there, but apparently not. Whenever we have driven somewhere together in the car and we've passed by a dead skunk in the road, she opens the window and inhales deeply to take it all in while I'm holding my nose and turning green. :lol: She swears it smells like freshly cut lemons. I'll have to tell her there's someone else out there with a nose like hers. lol

IrishLass :)
Irishlass guess what; I love the smell of burning rubber too:))) Well skunk smells like a fresh strong coffee for me:))
I know I am weird :crazy:
Cookbookchef --

May I gently ask you to please break your posts into smaller paragraphs, so your thoughts are easier to follow? I am increasingly reluctant to read your posts, so it's likely I won't know if you have asked me a question of late.

I apologize for giving offense by saying this.

No Offense Taken DeeAnna, We all write in our own way, and in our own manner. I understand if you don't read my posts. This is how I communicate, very Thought out like. We are all different. SO, Lets turn it around, Hopefully MY posts don't offend you! :grin:
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this thread is way too freaking long.

so im going to make some dish soap tomorrow because i am out and i dont want to buy more.

but i dont want to use castor oil.
so what is a good substitution?
maybe sunflower oil? i hear its good for lather...tho its greasy...
or does anyone else have a better suggestion?

65% olive oil
25% coconut oil
10% sunflower oil
3% superfat

and i wanted to add the KOH to water and then add in the glycerin. DeeAnna and IrishLass, you guys liked the 1:1 water to lye PLUS 3:1 glycerin? or should i do 1:1 water plus 2:1 glycerin?

and my KOH is 91.1% pure. Should i ignore that and just have a slightly reduced superfat, or should i attempt to find a way to find out the right KOH?
so if i do use sunflower oil in a 1lb batch this is right?

4oz CO
10.4oz OO
1.6oz sunflower
3.41oz KOH
10.24oz glycerin
3.41oz water

(i used the SBM calc, hopefully, its annoying how you cant enter % for fats!)

is that right to do the easy CPLS with KOH in water plus full glycerin?

this is my first LS, and my second solo-soap and my 3rd ever.
i like to dive into the deep end

so i mix the lye/water/glycerine into the fats and mix until floating bubbles or thick as f--- and then let it sit for an hour or 2+ (lid on, but no external heat) until the temperature starts dropping instead of rising before i lick it. if the temperature is dropping, that means the lye is done, right (or the lye is too much and ran our of oils to eat)? less of a risk to getting a zap? i reallllyyyyy dont want to get a zap. ive been electrocuted way too many times already. do you lick the paste directly, or froth it up in some water and lick the froth?

can i do the heat exchange method and let the hot lye water melt the coconut oil? it melts so easy. especially in my hot house.

i will also be making a yogurt CP soap tomorrow because i saw a nice recipe that has no palm or castor or animal fats (yay!) from the anne watson book and i have really nice greek yogurt (ingredients are only cream and bacteria - no nasty gelatin or sugar or thickeners) that is going to expire soon
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I would not use that recipe for dishwashing liquid soap. I would also not use glycerin for dish soap. But those are MY opinions.

I would use a 100% coconut oil recipe with 0% superfat and no glycerin. You need the high cleansing of the coconut oil. You don't need oil left on your dishes, and dishes don't need glycerin. If you have some hand made soap, you can grate 0.5 oz into the oils before adding the lye water to speed trace. Just be sure it is real soap, not commercially produced synthetic detergent bars.

The SBM lye calculator already adjusts for the purity of the KOH. It is close enough to what you use to not worry about the difference.

You can use the heat transfer method if your house is warm. Just be sure that the heat of the lye water completely melts your coconut oil.

I would use that method for making soap, I do it all the time. And yes, your paste should not require cooking. Don't be surprised if you don't see flying bubbles. I don't at times.

Be sure to run every recipe, regardless of where you got it from, through a reliable soap calculator for yourself. Typos happen.
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I agree with Susie- I would only use 100% coconut oil at a 0% superfat for dish soap.

As for whether to make it via the glycerin method or just by using water, I must confess I'm partial to the glycerin method for it's ease and quickness. My one batch of 100% CO with 0% superfat was the fastest of all my batches to turn into paste without the use of a stickblender and without cooking it- it just took 1 hour to turn to paste just sitting on its own off-heat). For what it's worth, it cleans plenty fine for me- so fine that I need to wear protective gloves when I use it or else my hands go screaming to the high hills for the lotion- but I have not made a batch without glycerin to compare.

IrishLass :)
I have super sensitive hands, and hate wearing gloves when I wash dishes. Is there any way to make it so it wouldnt leave a coating on the dishes but also wouldnt strip my hands? would adding something like shea butter help to increase conditioning but still keep it at a 0% superfat? (i would go with at least 0.5% superfat, especially since my KOH is a slightly higher % than 90)

I already have some grated 100% CO soap (1% superfat), but that was made with NaOH. Still better to make a different batch with KOH than melt my existing stuff in water?