Yep, I get the "I could never use those soaps" one ... Three people I know just sit them in their bathroom.
Back to the spoon one ... yesterday while soaping I went into my soaping room 3 times and just stood there trying to remember what I went in there for. Not sure if it's age or just too many complex thoughts in my head at one time - how many soaps can I fit in before dinner?, loaf mould or slab?, where's my spoon? ...
If you're under the age of 35, it's pretty sad to be that forgetful. I'm 32. It's all good. :grin:
I'm 50, it's probably just downhill from here!
Nevermind soaping, that's just me. :mrgreen:
This one had me giggling. I once told my son we could absolutely not leave the house until I found my sunglasses. I was wearing them. The look he gave me was priceless!
I've walked around grousing that I couldn't find my phone while talking on my phone. Talk about embarassing!
I've walked around grousing that I couldn't find my phone while talking on my phone. Talk about embarassing!
OMG! I went on a rampage for my "lost" phone...while holding it in my hand! Is there any help for this condition??
No, the only way to avoid it is to die young. I'll stick to having "early senior moments", thank you very much.
This was me during maths class which is why I have a teeny tiny problem with basic maths required to make soap.
This was me during maths class which is why I have a teeny tiny problem with basic maths required to make soap.
Thank you so much for posting this!! This is hilarious and was me during TOMHs math explanation on the vinegar experiment post.