Well... Yesterday's batch turned into a multi-fold disaster. I was making shaving soap from Dr. Robert McDaniel's "Essentially Soap." I had just added the lye to the fats when the phone rang and it was a good friend I hadn't heard from in a long time. As I talked and stirred I started to realize that my plans for a swirl weren't going to work out, and then I realized that it was nearing trace so I got off the phone to focus on the soap. As I was adding the clay I realized that I should have taken a glop of soap out, added the clay to that (like powder colorant) and put it back, so I strained the whole mess and did that with the clay. I started to do the same with the stearic acid when I thought, "Wait a minute, you have to melt the stearic because the flakes will never mix in." So I threw out that glop and got the 5# bag of stearic from my junk room and measured out more, started nuking it. Nuking didn't do anything so I decided to put in a little OO which I hoped would heat up and melt the stearic, and it did. I stirred the stearic/OO into the soap and the temperature drop solidified the drops of stearic and I was right back where I started with little bits of stearic not blended in. I'm really wondering about the advisability of that stearic now.
So anyway I poured the whole yucky looking green glop into a 3" pipe and figured if nothing else I'll see if the recipe is any good. The clay turned the lime blossom green into the worst avocado I've ever seen, like that horrible green color some of my apartments carpets had. I grew to hate green carpets when I lived in apartments. So anyway I'm carrying the mold into my junk room when all of the sudden...
The plug had fallen off the bottom of the pipe and now all my shaving soap was on the carpet, not in the pipe. I grabbed my mini-mold and managed to get about half of the mess that was on top into the mold, and started cleaning up the rest when...
Sneeze!!! (sounded like)
I was wondering, was that my dog? Funny sounding sneeze... I continued cleaning up the mess off the carpet and then went in to start cleaning up the kitchen, and there was my 5# bag of stearic acid upside down on the floor! (the sneeze noise) I carefully picked up the bag and guess there was about a pound on the floor, so I decided to just vacuum it up and throw it away. Well I got out the vacuum cleaner but instead of picking it up it just blew it around, so now I had stearic acid all over the kitchen floor. It's flakes, not sticky enough to be sticky and not powdery enough to be powdery--somewhere in between. And now it's all over my kitchen and stuck to the wheels of the vacuum cleaner too.
So I got out the mop and pail and started damp moping the kitchen floor. It got up most of the stearic acid but there are little bits of stearic stuck all over the kitchen floor and they won't come up. I'll probably end up having to get down on my hands and knees with paper towels and alcohol to clean it up.
This morning I cut up the soap into bars, tongue tested it and found no zap no lye, so I decided to try shaving with it. I've seen pure Castile with better lather than this shaving soap. It didn't work very well shaving so I grabbed the nearest bar of soap and lathered that and it shaved better than the shaving soap. Looks better too.
Yesterday was so bad that I decided to just forget about soapmaking for the rest of the weekend. I think I'm going to clean house today and throw a bunch of stuff away... starting with the shaving soap!