Soap photo shame fest

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Derpina Bubbles

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
I accidently took a rude soap photo and posted it on fb. There it was in all it's glory for my friends and family to see. My Mum, Dad, Aunty, Sister, ok you get the drill. OMG my kids 3rd grade teacher saw it :oops:.

It was a shot of some soap made for my Mum. I didn't look at the background like I do for the ones I take and put on here. Was a quick click and post iphone job. It's a lesson to always, always look at the background of pics before posting.

Stupid Game of Thrones was on my tele in the background snapped right when some Dothrakis were getting busy. Of course if you've never seen Game of Thrones it looks a little more wrong because you have no context. Needless to say, not one comment was made on the soap. I might get to live this one down in a few years and maybe just have it trotted out during special family get togethers.

Really must get a photo light box thingo.
One of my friends was looking for a second hand oven on ebay and the man who put the pic up had taken it naked, unfortunately his reflection showed up on the glass and he didn't notice. He removed it mortified when she pointed it out! Lol
Show the pic? :think: I mean, I thought about it, then figured it would have been deleted on me cause :shock:.

I might have to reverse tactics with the family and friends who are taking the mickey out of me for the slip up. I'm now considering doing a series of soap pics with wrong things "accidently on purpose" in the background until they let up. I mean, I have every series of True Blood to start with. I can fiddle with my settings on fb to protect the innocent and unleash hell.

Most likely will just get distracted by what's on the screen and forget to take a photo.

*Saponista that oven surely sold cheap, yeah?
Stupid Game of Thrones was on my tele in the background snapped right when some Dothrakis were getting busy. Of course if you've never seen Game of Thrones it looks a little more wrong because you have no context. Needless to say, not one comment was made on the soap. I might get to live this one down in a few years and maybe just have it trotted out during special family get togethers.

How funny. I finally just started GoT today, after many months of being worn down by my friends like water on a rock: splat, splat, splat. OKAY, FINE. And yes, just saw the Dothraki wedding. Yowza, that's a lively culture. Like horny Klingons.
I guess I'm assuming if its something that was allowed on tv it wouldn't be so bad to be deleted off the forum? How about you pm me the photo, I've never seen GoT and I'm desperate to see the photo now!!

Annddd... Thanks TEG, now I know what I'll probably be doing for the next hour..